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The Omega's Physician (Bundle of Joy Series Book 1) Page 3

  I took a seat at the island. “Wow, that looks amazing.” My mouth started to salivate at the delicious aroma. If I didn’t know Donovan was an obstetrician already, it wouldn’t have surprised me if he was a chef.

  “Thank you,” he added with a smile. He grabbed a couple glasses from a corner hutch and placed them on the island next to the plates. He grabbed the bottle of wine I brought and opened it with a corkscrew before filling each of the glasses.

  He took a seat next to me as we ate. The entire time we were laughing and joking, enjoying each other’s presence and getting to know one another. I told him about my childhood and how I worked up from being the office assistant at the firm to one of the leading realtors. Donovan didn’t much want to discuss his own childhood, but he told me all about his experiences in medical school and his residency.

  Before I knew it, a couple of hours had already passed and the bottle of wine was nearly empty. “Refill?” Donovan asked, as he jingled his glass in front of him.

  I wanted to say yes, but I could already feel myself becoming a little tipsy and I knew I wouldn’t be able to drive home if I had another glass. “No, thank you,” I reluctantly objected. “I actually should be heading out, I have a few appointments tomorrow with some other clients.”

  Donovan gave me a nod. “I’ll walk you out.” He quickly grabbed the dishes from the island and put them in the sink while I unhung my blazer from the back of the chair and put it back on.

  He walked me to the front door, but I could feel myself hesitating, wishing I didn’t have to leave. “So, I’ll upload these pictures tomorrow and let you know of any buyer’s interest,” I said, tapping a finger on my camera. “Thank you for…”

  Before I could finish my sentence, Donovan interrupted, taking a step forward and planting a quick kiss on my lips. I momentarily froze, taken back in surprise as Donovan took a step back, breaking his kiss.

  My head started to spin and I could feel my stomach flutter. Did… Did he just kiss me? The moment was so quick, it took a moment to register in my mind. I leaned back in towards Donovan and he met me halfway. I brushed my lips against his, hesitating for just a moment before our lips sealed together. A surge of electricity ran down my spine as our lips connected.

  I didn’t want the moment to end, but Donovan pulled back, breaking our kiss again. “Have a good night, Lachlan.”

  I blinked a few times, still slightly flustered over what had just happened. “You too, Donovan.”

  He opened the door and I made my way back to my car, replaying the moment in my mind. As I got into the driver’s seat, I looked back at Donovan’s condo. He was still standing in the doorway and gave me a wave just as I started to drive off.

  The entire ride home I thought about Donovan and our kiss. The entire night was perfect and I felt giddy, like a child on Christmas morning. It had been a long while since anyone made me feel like that. But as perfect as the night was, I couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed that Donovan hadn’t made a move and asked me to spend the night. I wasn’t really a one-night stand type of omega, but I would have seriously reconsidered if Donovan asked me to stay.



  I woke up early the next morning, still feeling high from last night’s kiss with Lachlan. I would have asked him to spend the night, but he had told me he had several appointments for today and I didn’t want to risk him objecting and ending the night feeling unsure of where we stood.

  The drive to the hospital felt quicker than usual and I couldn’t help but replay the entire night in my mind. It wasn’t until I parked my car that I realized every time I thought of Lachlan, I couldn’t stop smiling. Even Katy and the clinic receptionist on duty commented on how happy I seemed today.

  When I got into my office, I immediately closed the door and logged onto my computer. I checked my email, hoping Lachlan had messaged me. When I saw that he hadn’t yet, I sighed. We’d had a great night together and I certainly felt a connection, but I didn’t know why I couldn’t get him out of my mind and focus on my work. Every few minutes, I caught myself refreshing my email, hoping to see his name pop up. I hadn’t felt like this since university when I was waiting to see if I had passed my medical examination.

  After checking my email for the third time in ten minutes, I decided to work on some of my filing to distract myself. It wasn’t until around noon that I sat back down to my computer. I refreshed my email and my heart felt like it skipped a beat when a message from Lachlan appeared in my inbox. I clicked on it.

  In his message, he thanked me again for the lovely night. He attached the pictures he had taken the previous night as well as the listing he put together for my place. I browsed through the images and quickly read over it.

  I replied, saying that I approved the listing and the price he had set. His name in my contact list was green, meaning he was currently online, so I waited by the computer for his reply. After a few moments, I hadn’t heard back from him and I wasn’t sure that my email actually contained anything that needed his attention. I thought for a moment longer, trying to think of something to send him that warranted a reply.

  Finally, I decided on what to say. He had thanked me a couple times now for the lovely night and I knew I’d enjoyed myself, so I figured I’d blatantly ask him out. I figured, worst case scenario, he’d say no and I could stop obsessing over him. Best case scenario, I would get to see him again. I replied asking him out to lunch. I shifted in my seat nervously as I waited for a reply.

  A few moments later, his reply appeared. I paused for a second before opening it. When I finally did, I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach.


  As wonderful as that sounds and as much as I would love to agree, I unfortunately won’t be able to make it for lunch. I have a couple more appointments today in the upper east side and won’t be able to make it back before the end of the day.



  I wasn’t quite sure how to feel. He had told me last night that he had several appointments for today, so I didn’t think he was blowing me off. But, at the same time I couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed and hoped that I hadn’t misread the situation last night with Lachlan.

  Not yet ready to admit defeat, unsure if Lachlan was actually interested or not, but not wanting to call it quits in case he was, I decided to press on and send him another message. The hospital was hosting a charity event in order to fundraise donations for some new ultrasound equipment and Katy had asked me a few times whether or not I’d be bringing someone. I sent Lachlan a message and asked if he would accompany me.

  His name was still highlighted green so I stayed by the computer and waited for a reply. After a few minutes of my anxiously waiting, his name turned grey, indicating that he had signed off his email. I sighed in frustration.

  Over the next couple hours, I had a few meetings and a couple patients to meet with. In between the two, I stopped back at my office several times to refresh my browser and hope for a response from Lachlan. A few times I received a notification, but was met with frustration when I saw it was from other staff in the hospital.

  By mid-afternoon I still hadn’t heard from Lachlan yet, and I assumed the worst. Did I misread the situation last night? Was our kiss just a moment of drunken passion that he regretted? Maybe I came off too strong on my messages? Either way, I started to give up hope.

  I bought lunch during my break, but I barely managed to eat any of it. The entire time I was thinking of Lachlan and trying to figure out where I went wrong. When I couldn’t point out the moment I screwed up, I started to think about why it was even bothering me so much. We had only known each other a couple days and only shared a kiss. Besides, what was I even hoping for? It wasn’t like I was a relationship type of person, so why did I care so much about him?

  When lunch finished, I went back to the office. Only this time, I didn’t check my email when I got back. The rest of the day went by slow
er than the first half and I noticed I wasn’t nearly as cheerful.

  Feeling down, I drowned myself in my paperwork until my shift was over. I packed my stuff up for the day and just as I was about to leave, I decided to check my email one last time. Just in case, I told myself.

  My heart skipped a beat when I saw Lachlan had replied. Nervously, I clicked on the message and read it. To my surprise, Lachlan had accepted my invitation. My smile returned and again, I was filled with a fuzzy feeling that ran through my body.



  “Hi, I’m here for a pickup,” I told the clerk as I handed him my ticket with the identification number of the tux I had rented.

  He took the ticket and read off the number before turning to the large rotating belt behind him. He pressed a button and the belt started to rotate, sending a barrage of black suit bags into rotation.

  I shifted nervously on my feet as he rummaged through them. Tonight was my big date with Donovan and I had come here a couple days ago to rent a tux for the semi-formal charity event. The tailor had taken my measurements and I was told to come back today for pickup.

  A few moments passed before I heard the tailor call back to me. “Aha, found it.” He took it off the rack and walked it back towards me.

  “Now, there should be no issue with sizing as it was ordered to your dimensions, but it’s usually recommended to have a quick fitting here just in case. That way if something is a little off, we can switch it out immediately for something we have in stock in store or do a minor alteration if possible. Are you alright with that or are you in a rush?”

  “I better, just in case,” I replied, laughing to myself at the idea of Donovan picking me up and my pants looking more like capris.

  I followed the man to the back of the store to the changing rooms. “Just come on out when you’re dressed and I’ll take a look.”

  Stepping into the dressing room, I hung the black bag on a hook on the wall and closed the door behind me. I unzipped the bag and put everything on. From the look in the mirror, it looked great, so I unlocked the door and stepped out to allow the tailor to check it out.

  “Looks stunning,” he said, as he walked around me in a circle, checking the tux out from every angle. He gave me a final nod of approval and I went back into the fitting room to change back into my clothes.

  By the time I got back out, the tailor was back at the front of the store. “Thanks for the help,” I told him.

  He gave me a smile. “Have a good night, you’ll look amazing.”

  I made my way back to my car and hung the bag up from a hook near the back door before heading home. The entire ride I thought about Donovan and our date tonight.

  Taking the black bag from the car, I made my way inside to start getting ready. Even though I’d tried it on back at the tailor’s before renting it, as well as had my measurements taken a couple days prior to that, I was nervous as I put it on in case I had missed something. I knew it fit, but I wanted to make sure it was perfect. I had never gone on a date that required formalwear and to say I was nervous was an understatement.

  Sure, I had worn a tux a few times for business functions, and technically, the charity event Donovan invited me to was a business function, but it was also so much more than that. This was a date with the man I couldn’t get out of my mind. The man I didn’t want to get out of my mind. I needed to make a great impression. Not only because this was an important event for Donovan, but because this would technically be our first date together and I wanted it to be perfect.

  I put on the shin-length black socks, followed by the black dress pants. They were snug, but form-fitting. I looped my black belt around them and latched the silver buckle.

  My hands were already starting to get sweaty from being nervous. I wiped them on the towel I had draped along my bed after my shower. I knew from my past experience with Donovan that even though I was nervous now, it would melt away when I saw him. The realization put some of my anxiety to rest.

  I removed the white dress shirt from the black bag and took it out of the plastic protective wrap. Putting it on, I looked into the mirror and buttoned it up. Again, it felt and looked perfect, just like it had back at the tailor’s. I tucked the bottom into my pants and smoothed out the wrinkles with my hands.

  It had been a while since I had been on a date, not since Pat. Even then, Pat and I never really went out on dates. We just kind of hung out at each other’s places. Then again, I had only been on a few dates in my life, so it wasn’t like I had much experience to draw off of. This however, was the first date I’d have to wear something besides jeans.

  Reaching back into the black bag, I removed the jacket and put it on. I slid my hands between the jacket and dress shirt and smoothed out the fabric. The length was perfect and the fit was as good as one could hope. I reached into my sleeve next to each wrist and gave the shirt a little tug until the white dress shirt peeked out the appropriate amount from underneath the jacket.

  I hadn’t been on many dates, but it wasn’t out of lack of attention. Most guys I met just didn’t interest me. Most omegas I met were too sensitive, whereas most of the alphas I met were just alpha-holes. Egotistical jerks who thought they were superior to us omegas. I thought Pat was different, but he ended up being just like the rest. I was a man who knew what I wanted and wasn’t going to settle for anything less than I deserved.

  When I first ran into Donovan, I felt a spark, but I figured he was probably like most alphas. A wolf in sheep’s clothing. But, I still couldn’t help but think he was different. I still wasn’t sure if he planned our meeting at my office, but at this point, I didn’t really care. When I met him at his place, he was charming, polite, and everything I was looking for .

  Still, my life at this point was exactly how I wanted it. When I broke it off from Pat, I swore to myself that I’d stay clear of serious relationships. I was going to do me and not let another alpha bring me down. So, why was I so obsessed with Donovan and why did I want him so bad? He made me feel special, and I thought if anyone would be able to change my mind about flying solo, it could very well be him. After all, he was different from any other man I’d ever met.

  Now fully dressed and happy with the fit, I went downstairs into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of wine. Donovan would be here any minute and I figured a glass of vino might help whatever anxiety I had before the function.

  Just as I finished the glass, the doorbell rang. I took a last deep breath and went to answer it. Donovan stood a few feet back from the door as I swung it open. He looked absolutely stunning in his tux. It took everything in me to stop myself from lunging on him right then and there. I was going to compliment him, but he beat me to the punch before I had the chance.

  “Wow, Lachlan. You look handsome as hell. They don’t usually offer awards at these charity events, but if they did, I have no doubt I’d win the award for hottest date,” he said, giving me a wink and sounding genuinely serious.

  I started to blush and let out a chuckle. “Stop it,” I said, turning my face to the side with a smile on my face, trying to hide the fact my face was going flush from his compliment. “You look very handsome as well.”

  Donovan took a step towards me and my breath quivered. He brushed his hand along my face. It was warm and soft and I couldn’t help but nuzzle my face against it as I shut my eyes. He hooked two fingers down my chin and lifted my head upwards. I could feel my lips start to tremble. Just as I was about to open my eyes back up, I felt his soft lips press against mine.

  “Ready to go?” he asked as he pulled away from our kiss.

  I let out an airy chuckle. “Yeah, I’m ready.”

  Donovan wrapped an arm around mine and escorted me down the driveway to his car. As we got there, he opened the door for me and waited until I was inside before shutting it. I wasn’t used to being treated like this, but it was something I could get used to.

  He stepped around the car and took a seat on the driver’s side.
The drive to the charity event was only thirty minutes away, but I felt like I could stay in the car with him for hours just talking and getting to know each other more. As much as I was looking forward to the event, I was already excited for it to end, so we could spend some more alone time together on the drive back to my place.

  We arrived at the event sooner than I would have liked and just like when Donovan picked me up, he insisted on opening my door for me. We interlocked arms again as we made our way to the front doors. Donovan passed security our tickets and they gave us a nod to proceed.

  From the outside, the placed looked quiet, but as soon as we walked in, it was like stepping into another universe. People everywhere were dancing to the live jazz music or laughing and talking by the bar. In the middle of the room, a large ice sculpture was on display. The setting was amazing, but I felt a little out of place. I wasn’t used to such an extravagant social setting, let alone going out on a date at one.

  Donovan must have noticed, because he reached down and gave my hand an encouraging squeeze. He gave me a smile as I looked up at him.

  “May I have this dance?” Donovan asked, bowing down and extending his other hand.

  I let out a laugh and rolled my eyes at his exaggerated gesture. “I’d love that, but maybe we can have a drink first?”

  He gave me a nod. “Sure, I could use a drink.” He led me towards the bar as we walked hand in hand.

  “Two glasses of champagne, please,” he said to the bartender. He released my hand and grabbed two glasses and passed me one. We raised them in a toast before taking a sip.

  I looked around at the party, taking in the sight of its magnificence. I had never been to an event as formal as this one and I knew it wasn’t going to be something I soon forgot. Everything seemed so new to me and I felt like I was driving through a city I had never been to, unable to focus on one thing longer than a few seconds before something else caught my attention. If one thing was constant, it was my gaze returning to Donovan and his smile every time I caught him looking at me.