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The Omega's Physician (Bundle of Joy Series Book 1) Page 2
The Omega's Physician (Bundle of Joy Series Book 1) Read online
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I sat on my chair and looked up at the ceiling. Ugh, why can’t I get him out of my mind? I decided that if I couldn’t focus on my job right now, I could at least try to get some more information about my mystery man.
Anxiously, I made my way back down the hallway towards the clinic receptionist. At the very least, I was hoping I could get the name of this man who had me completely smitten and unable to focus.
The clinic’s waiting room was quiet and nearly empty, which was perfect, as it wouldn’t be too much of a hindrance to spark up a conversation with the receptionist. He was typing away on his computer when I walked in the room and he must not have heard me walk in as he didn’t stop typing as I approached. “Hey, got a minute?” I interrupted.
The receptionist jumped a little, caught off guard. “Oh, Donovan. I didn’t hear you come in. Yeah shoot, what’s up?”
“Could you tell me what appointments were scheduled for this morning?”
He closed the window on the computer that he was working on and brought up a new one. “Just give me a second,” he said, tapping a few keys. “Uhh, so this morning there was your patient here for her ultrasound and another here before that who had an appointment with Katy.”
He looked up at me for confirmation, likely confused as to why I was requesting this information. “Yeah, Katy’s patient, that’s the one. Do you have a name for him on there?”
The receptionist blinked a few times and stared at me for a moment before returning to the computer screen. “Lachlan McKinney,” he replied. “Is everything alright?”
“Yeah, everything’s fine. I ran in to him a little while ago on my way to a meeting. I just had a form that he forgot to fill out and was hoping to get his contact information.” It wasn’t a complete lie. I did literally run into him.
The receptionist smiled at me. “You know I can’t give you his contact information, Donovan. It’s against company policy. You can always go see Katy, though, and pass it on to her.”
I couldn’t help but feel a little frustrated that I wasn’t able to get my mystery man’s number, but the receptionist was right, it was against company policy. Plus, it wasn’t a total failure, at least I had a name now. Lachlan. I rolled it around my tongue a few times. “Thanks,” I said, giving the receptionist a nod before heading back down the hallway towards the offices.
Just as I was passing Katy’s door, I figured I’d stop by and see if I could get any more information about Lachlan. I knocked on the door.
“Come in,” Katy bellowed from the other side.
I opened the door and took a step in. Katy was sitting behind her desk looking at a stack of papers. “What can I help you with, Donovan?” she asked, peering over the rim of her glasses.
“I was wondering if you knew when Lachlan would be back for his next appointment?” I tried to sound as professional as possible to avoid tipping her off that I wasn’t asking as a doctor.
“We don’t have a follow up appointment scheduled yet, but I’m sure I’ll hear back from him soon.” She averted her attention back to the papers in front of her.
“What was he here for?” I asked, not sure how to word it without seeming like I was asking out of personal interest.
Katy put the papers back down on the desk and gave me her full attention. I let out a sigh and leaned against the door frame. I could tell from her body language that she had caught on to my questions. “You know that’s not any of your concern. Look, you know it’s not very ethical to be talking about patients on a personal level. There is such a thing as patient, doctor confidentiality.”
I rolled my eyes. “I promise I’ll drop it, but can you at least tell me one thing?”
“Does he have a partner?”
“Donovan!” she cried.
I put my hands up in front of me and let out a little laugh. “Promise, I won’t ask anything else.”
Katy rolled her eyes and tapped a finger on her desk. “No, he does not have a partner.”
“Thank you,” I said joyfully before quickly walking out and shutting the door behind me, not wanting to press my luck.
I continued a few doors down into my own office and plopped myself down on my chair. Since the moment I met Lachlan, I couldn’t get him out of my mind, but I wasn’t sure why. What was more, I couldn’t explain why I was so happy to know that he didn’t have a partner. I mean, our encounter barely lasted a few minutes and what good did it do me to know his name and relationship status, if I probably wouldn’t ever see him again?
Sitting at my desk and unable to get him off my mind, I decided to type his name, Lachlan McKinney, into Google and see what popped up. I rolled my chair closer to the desk and clicked the first link. It was a site for a real estate firm. My stomach fluttered as Lachlan’s image loaded with a description underneath indicating that he was one of their leading realtors.
A realtor? What were the odds! I felt myself starting to become giddy with excitement as I formulated a plot in my mind. I had been thinking about selling my condo to get something a little closer to work, and this could be the opportunity I needed to not only get started with that, but to also see Lachlan again.
I picked up my phone and called the firm’s number. “You’ve reached the Cedar Valley real estate firm, Tanya speaking. How can I help you today?” a voice answered.
“Hi, this is Donovan Shields calling. I’ve been on the market a while looking for an apartment. I’m currently living in my condo, but I need something closer to work. I was wondering if anyone in the office would be available tomorrow for a consultation?”
I could hear some typing in the background. “Just give me a moment.” Some more typing. “Yes, it looks like we do have an available slot for tomorrow morning at 9. Actually, the appointment will be with me. I’m currently the junior realtor of the office, but I should be able to answer any questions you may have.”
“Hmm. Actually, would there be anyone available around early afternoon? I’m an obstetrician at a joint practice and actually have a meeting tomorrow morning.” I didn’t actually have an appointment, but I wanted my meeting at the realtor office to be with Lachlan.
Tanya clacked a few more keys. “It looks like we have an open slot for 11. Would that work for you? It’s with our top-performing realtor, so you’ll be in great hands.”
“Yeah, that might work. May I ask who it will be with?”
“His name’s Lachlan McKinney. Actually, he’s usually completely booked, so it’s lucky that there was a cancellation tomorrow. He’s very highly regarded. Would you like me to go ahead and schedule that for you?”
“Perfect. Yes, if you could go ahead with that, it would be awesome. Thank you.”
“Alrighty, it’s all set up. Lachlan will see you tomorrow and I hope you have a pleasant day,” she said, before hanging up the phone.
I placed the phone back on the receiver and slouched back in my chair, resting the back of my head in my hands. I wasn’t really sure what my plan would be, but I knew all I wanted right now was to see him again.
I let out a yawn and took a sip of coffee before placing it down on my desk. The first appointment I had today was for someone named Donovan. Looking closer at my calendar, I noticed it was scheduled last minute after someone else cancelled. Though I couldn't place a face to the name, it had a familiar ring to it.
The morning went by quickly and I collected a couple forms for Donovan to sign when he came in. Though last-minute appointments didn’t usually lead anywhere, I gathered all the necessary paperwork just in case.
Suddenly, my phone rang and Tanya’s name appeared on the caller ID. “Hello?” I said, answering the call.
“Hey Lachlan. Donovan just arrived for his appointment,” Tonya’s voice replied on the other end.
“Perfect, go ahead and send him in.” I hung up the phone. A few moments later, Donovan walked into my office and I felt a shock jolt down my spine. It was the man fr
om the hospital that I literally ran into when I was trying to get into the elevator. It all started to come back to me. That was why I recognized his name, he’d introduced himself when we met.
“Nice to see you again,” Donovan said, a large smile spread across his face.
I tried my best to contain my excitement of seeing the man who had me captivated by his good looks when we first met. “Nice to see you again as well.” I stood from my chair and shook his hand. His grasp was firm and I couldn’t help but wish I could touch more of him. “Please, have a seat.” I motioned to the chair opposite me as I sat back down.
The more I thought about the fact that it was only yesterday that I had run into Donovan, the less I thought it was just a coincidence that he’d walked in today for an appointment. Still, I had to remain professional. “So, why don’t you tell me what you’re looking for.”
“Well, I’ve been thinking of selling my condo. Don’t get me wrong, I love the place. But, it’s not really practical in terms of my commute to work. I’ve been thinking of selling for a while now and trying to find something a little closer,” Donovan told me with a smile.
I could feel the intensity of his eyes radiate into my own, occasionally breaking contact only to explore my body, not that I minded the attention. “Closer to the hospital, right? Sorry, that was a dumb question. Of course, closer to the hospital, you’re a doctor.”
Donovan let out a laugh. “Obstetrician, actually. But yes, closer to the hospital.”
Grabbing the papers I had printed earlier, I slid them across the table and placed them in front of him. “Well, if you’re sure you’re ready to go ahead with this, I’m just going to need you to sign these documents. They just give me permission to represent you in listing your house and scheduling viewings in your name.”
He picked up a pen from my desk and read over the documents briefly before signing them. “So, what’s next?” he asked cheerfully.
“Well, I’m going to need to come over to your place to take some photos. Is there a specific date you’d be available?”
“I’m free tonight if you want to come by?” he asked, a smile still plastered across his face.
“Tonight?” I asked. I was caught off guard. I was expecting a time in the next few days, not later that night. I could feel my face flush at the thought of spending time alone with Donovan in his apartment. I wasn’t sure if he thought of me the way I thought of him, but I didn’t think it would be that far-fetched to assume. “Yeah, I think I’ll be able to make it tonight. Say around six?”
Donovan gave me a nod. “Yeah, six is good with me. Hey, why don’t we do dinner too? I mean, you’re going to be at my place anyway, and six is when I usually start dinner. You can consider it a thank you for helping me sell the condo.”
I let out a little laugh, not sure if Donovan was being serious or not. “I don’t think taking the pictures will take that long.”
“Probably not, but you’ll be at my place anyway and I do hate eating alone. What do you say?”
I thought for a minute before answering. A jolt of excitement rushed through my body when I first heard the words leave his mouth. I wanted nothing more than to spend the night with Donovan, but I wasn’t sure why. I mean yeah, he was hot, but I wasn’t looking for a relationship right now, and I didn’t do one-night-stands.
The idea of having dinner with Donovan was thrilling and I wanted to spend more time with him. To get to know him more, even though I knew I shouldn’t. I mean, Donovan was a doctor, so he probably was an alpha-hole just like most of the alphas I met. But what if he wasn’t?
“Yeah. Tonight works great and I think dinner afterwards would be nice. I’ll bring a bottle of wine,” I finally said, feeling kind of embarrassed by how long it took me to reply.
Donovan didn’t seem to mind and he seemed happy that I agreed. “Perfect. I’ll see you tonight then.” He stood up and offered his hand again.
Standing to meet him, I shook his hand. “I’ll see you tonight.” I walked him back out of my office and stood by my door as he made his way towards the front. I couldn’t help but watch his tight ass jiggle with every step.
Just as Donovan reached the front doors, he turned around and looked back down the hallway towards me. I gave him a smile and a wave, trying to hide my embarrassment at just being caught checking him out. Luckily, I was far enough in the distance that he wouldn’t have been able to see me blushing.
I returned to my office and took a seat. I was more excited to get to know Donovan over dinner than I probably should have been. After all, being a doctor, Donovan was most likely a self-absorbed narcissistic alpha-hole just like the others, right? Still, I couldn’t help but think that there was maybe a chance that he was different.
Stepping out of the shower, I walked over to my closet and looked for something to wear tonight for dinner with Donovan. I still wasn’t sure if this was his way of asking for a date, but I seriously doubted that this was all a coincidence.
I settled for a pair of dress pants, shirt, and a blazer, figuring it was nice enough to wear in case it was a date, but still professional enough in the event that I was misreading the entire situation.
Now fully dressed, I checked the time. Shit. I hadn’t realized how long it had taken to get ready. My indecisiveness on what to wear and trying to make sense on the situation must have snuck up on me.
Going downstairs, I grabbed one of the bottles of wine I had picked up on my way home from work. I figured if I completely misread the situation, I’d need the other bottle for when I got back home to wash down the embarrassment.
I made my way to the front door and paused for a second to run through my mental checklist, making sure I had everything I needed before I hopped in my car. I grabbed the GPS from the dash and typed in Donovan’s address.
The drive to Donovan’s was less than half an hour, but felt much longer. Despite being nervous about the whole ordeal, I couldn’t wait to get there.
“Destination is on your right in fifty meters,” the GPS chimed.
I slowed down and continued towards the units of condos that lined the road.
“You have arrived at your destination.”
I threw the car in park and looked out the window. Though his condo wasn’t centrally located, it was absolutely gorgeous. I took a few deep breaths and wiped my sweaty palms along my slacks. Why the hell was I so nervous? I had been on plenty of dates before and even more viewings.
A few moments passed. I was still feeling nervous, but I decided just to run with it. I figured I’d just treat this as business like usual. Stepping out of the car, I grabbed my camera and bottle of wine before heading up the walkway towards Donovan’s unit. I knocked on the door.
Donovan opened the door with a smile and shook my hand, wrapping his other hand around my wrist. “Lachlan, I’m so glad you were able to make it.”
I returned the smile. “Of course. I’m sorry I’m a little late, but I had a little trouble trying to find the unit.”
“Well, condos aren’t exactly known for being unique. I can’t say I blame you.” He let out a laugh and poked his head out of the doorway and looked left and right at the near identical units to either side of us.
Still holding my hand, Donovan helped me inside. “It’s beautiful in here,” I said truthfully as I looked around from the corridor.
From what I could see, the condo had an open concept with hardwood flooring throughout and cathedral ceilings. Either Donovan had an eye for detail, or he had an interior decorator for the place, because without me having to touch anything it already looked professionally staged.
We spent about an hour going from room to room so I could take pictures and some general notes regarding the size of the rooms and their possible uses. Donovan followed closely behind the entire time, offering any assistance he could.
Despite having been nervous before I entered, now that I was here and interacting with him, I felt comfortable and right at home. A few times I nearly
forgot I was conducting business with a client and not hanging out with a friend.
“Well, looks like I have just about all I need. The last picture I’m going to need is of the kitchen,” I said, looking through the pictures I had already taken on my camera.
“Perfect,” Donovan chimed.
I looked back towards him with a smile.
He quickly glanced down at his watch. “Dinner should be just about ready as well, so by the time you get the pictures and your notes down, we can eat.”
We made our way back towards the kitchen, stopping by the front door quickly so I could grab the bottle of wine I had left on a stand. As we walked towards the kitchen, the most delicious scent hit my nostrils. “Wow, that smells amazing.”
Donovan let out a chuckle. “Thank you. I love cooking, but living alone it’s rare that I get the opportunity to cook for someone else. I hope you’re a fan of seafood.”
The entire condo was absolutely stunning, and the kitchen was no different. The tile floors matched the backsplash and marble counters. I almost felt disappointed that Donovan was selling the place.
“You know, even though this place isn’t centrally located, I don’t think we’re going to have any trouble at all finding a buyer.”
Donovan opened the oven and pulled out a pan of salmon that was lined with wedges of lemon. “Well, isn’t that a shame,” he said, turning back to me with a smile after placing the pan on top of the stove.
“What’s that?” I asked. I raised an eyebrow.
Donovan grabbed some plates from the cupboard before answering. “It’s going to cut our work together shorter than I would hope.”
I let out a laugh, but I wasn’t sure if Donovan was joking or not. What was more, I wasn’t sure I wanted him to be joking or not.
“Voila!” Donovan said, as he approached me with a plate in each hand, setting them on the kitchen island. “Maple glazed salmon, garnished with lemon juice, served with rosemary roasted potatoes and asparagus.”