The Omega's Physician (Bundle of Joy Series Book 1) Read online

Page 6

  I figured I could talk to Katy and see what she had to say about the matter. As much as I still wanted a child, I also wanted to see where this thing with Donovan would go. Whatever it was.

  I grabbed my wallet and my keys and made my way towards the hospital. My insemination date was in a few days and I still hadn't picked out a donor yet from the list. I figured I could have a talk with Katy and see what she thought about the whole matter.

  The drive to the hospital seemed quicker than usual, probably because I had a lot on my mind. I found an empty parking spot near the front doors and made my way in. I still hadn’t mentioned to Donovan what I was doing at the hospital when I came in and he hadn’t asked. I felt a little strange conducting my own private affairs in his workplace. I wasn't going to hide anything if I bumped into him here, but I sure as heck wasn’t going to parade myself around to be seen by him.

  I made my way through the hospital to the elevators and stepped inside before pressing the button for the sixth floor. I shifted on my feet nervously as it ascended, half expecting to see Donovan when they opened. But, he wasn’t there when the doors opened and I let out a sign of relief.

  I walked down the hallway, feeling a little strange, like this was just a dream. This was the place I first saw Donovan. I shook the thought from my head and continued down the hall, reading the name plaques next to the doors. Finally, I reached Katy’s. I knocked and waited patiently.

  “Come on in, it’s unlocked,” I heard her voice call out to me from the other side of the door.

  Turning the knob, I walked inside to see her sitting at her desk with the same stack of black binders I was looking through the last time I was here.

  She gave me a welcoming smile. “Lachlan, it’s so nice to see you again. Have a seat.”

  “Nice to see you as well.” I returned the smile and took a seat in the chair across from her. “So, how did you make out?” she asked, tapping her hand on the stack of binders.

  “Well, I kind of wanted to talk to you about that. I’m not…”

  The intercom sounded before I had a chance to finish my sentence. “Katy, to ultrasound. I repeat, Katy to ultrasound. Thank you.”

  Katy rolled her eyes. “I’ll be right back. Just need to pick something up. Is that alright?”

  I gave her a nod, relieved to have a few more minutes to decide what I wanted to do.

  Katy stood from her chair and made her way out of the office, closing the door behind her.

  I sat there for a few minutes in silence, thinking about what I was going to say. On one hand, I still wanted a baby and these appointments didn’t come easy. It wasn’t like you could just call and schedule one, they had quite the long waiting list. On the other hand, I still wanted to see what would happen with Donovan. We hadn’t talked about a baby and I didn’t want to complicate something that was going great.

  After a few more minutes passed and she hadn’t returned yet, I decided to pick up one of the binders and flip through a few pages. It only took a few before I realized that I was only being drawn to the men with black hair. Black hair, the same color as Donovan’s.

  “Sorry about that,” Katy said, stepping back into the room and shutting the door again before returning to her desk.

  I shrugged. “No worries, duty called.”

  She opened the folder she returned with and quickly glanced at a few of the ultrasound photos before placing the folder on the desk. “So, what do you think? Anyone catch your eye?”

  Someone had caught my eye. Donovan. Too bad he wasn’t one of the men in the binder. “I actually wanted to talk to you about that. I went through a few of the books and none of the men seem quite right.”

  Katy pressed her lips together and squinted her eyes. “Well, if I’m not mistaken, we just approved a few more men for our registry. If you like, I could grab their files so you can have a look.” She stood from the chair.

  “No, no,” I interrupted.

  She sat back down and looked at me with a confused expression.

  I licked my lips before speaking. “It’s just, I’m starting to have second thoughts.” I shifted in my seat nervously. I knew how hard it was to get an appointment here and I didn’t want Katy to think I was wasting her time.

  She let out a laugh that instantly made me feel a little more comfortable. “Oh Lachlan. That’s completely normal.”

  I let out a sigh of relief and gave her a smile. “I’ve just started to see someone. I don’t know how serious it is, but it’s made me give this whole thing some second thoughts, you know?”

  Katy smiled and leaned forward on her desk, interlocking her fingers. “Absolutely. This isn’t an easy decision and things come up. So, what do you want to do?”

  I shrugged. “I’m not entirely sure. I mean, up until a few days ago, I was absolutely sure I still wanted to go through with this. I know how hard it is to get an appointment here though, so I don’t want to lose this opportunity if things don’t work out between the me and the guy I’m seeing.”

  She nodded. “Well, I’ll tell you what. Why don’t we go ahead and just postpone this? We can wait another month and see how you feel by then. How does that sound?”

  Another sigh of relief. “That sounds perfect. I really appreciate everything you’ve done for me and for letting me keep this opportunity on the back burner for a bit.”

  “Absolutely. Life happens and all you can do is roll with it. So, if we’re going to postpone this for now, there’s no need to track your fertility until you decide what you want to do.”

  “Right.” I nodded my head in agreement and pulled my phone from my pocket, then deleted the fertility tracking app. “Well, I guess that’s one less thing I need to remember every morning.” I tucked the phone back into my pocket.

  Katie smiled. “Alright, so I’ll go ahead and schedule you another appointment one month from now.” She focused her attention to the computer and tapped a few buttons before looking back towards me. “The receptionist will give you a call a couple days before as a reminder, but if you have any questions or come up with a decision before then, feel free to give me a call and we can proceed with whatever you decide.”

  “Thanks Katy,” I said again. I stood up from my chair as did she and I shook her hand.

  I walked out of the office feeling like a weight had lifted off my shoulders. Things were going great between Donovan and me, and I was relieved that I now had the chance to let our relationship develop without having to jeopardize the opportunity of the insemination if things didn’t work out between us. But that possibility made me clench my jaw. Quickly, I shook the idea from my mind.

  My feelings for Donovan were real and I wanted to make sure I really gave us a shot. I tried to remind myself that I wasn’t sure I even wanted a relationship, but I knew I was lying. He made me feel special and I knew very well that if he asked, I wouldn’t have it in me to say no. I still wanted a baby and it was definitely a talk I knew we would have to have at some point, but right now wasn’t the right time. Right now, it had to be just about us.

  I pulled my phone back out from my pocket and navigated my way over to my text messages. I tapped on Donovan’s name and typed out a message to invite him over for dinner. I wasn’t expecting him to reply so quickly, but it brought a smile to my face when my phone vibrated in my hand with his agreement before the elevator even made it to the ground level.



  I had just gotten home from a run when I got Lachlan’s text asking if I wanted to come over tonight for dinner. Nearly immediately, I replied saying that I would. I had spent almost every free moment I had with Lachlan, but it never seemed to be enough. I felt like I should distance myself from him, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I wanted him. No, it was more than that, I needed him.

  It was only late afternoon, but I could hardly wait for dinner to spend some more time with Lachlan. I had taken the day off from working to use up some of my paid leave, but now I was startin
g to regret it. At least if I was at work, I would have had something to keep myself distracted. Having the day off, all I could do was think of him and glance over at the clock or come up with an excuse to check my phone just so I could sneak a peek at the time.

  By the time I had showered, cleaned the condo, and completed all the errands I had set for the day, it was still a couple hours before I needed to head over to Lachlan’s place. I took a seat on the couch and tried to relax, but I couldn’t manage to stop shifting around.

  After a few minutes of trying to get comfortable and still my nerves about seeing Lachlan, I decided it just wasn’t going to happen. So I decided I would head over to Lachlan’s now. I figured he probably wouldn’t mind and might even prefer the company as he cooked. Plus, seeing him in the kitchen wearing an apron would be hot as hell. A smirk crept across my face at the image.

  I made my way outside and locked the door behind me before heading to the car. It was a quiet evening and I was actually looking forward to the drive. There was just something about evening drives with the windows down and music up. I got in the car and started it up before putting on my seatbelt. Fiddling around with the knob on the radio, I couldn’t find anything that caught my attention. I decided to plug my phone into the aux cord and play some Boyz to Alphas.

  Rolling down the window, I put the car into drive and took off towards his place. The air was cool and I couldn’t help but rest on arm along the door of the car and let my hand hang out the window as the air glided over and under it, raising it and lowering it as I angled my fingers.

  Finally, I arrived at Lachlan’s and put the car in park. I hoped he wouldn’t be annoyed at how early I was and I hoped he would be flattered that I couldn’t wait to see him. I got out of the car and knocked on his door when I made it up the walkway.

  “Donovan,” he said, as he opened the door. A look of confusion spread across his face. “I wasn’t expecting you so soon.” He looked down at his watch.

  I rubbed the back of my neck and raised my eyebrows. “Yeah, sorry about that. I hope you don’t mind, but I was getting bored sitting around at home and figured I’d head over a little early. Need a hand?”

  Lachlan smiled and rolled his eyes. “Well, I think I have everything under control, but you’re more than welcome to come on in and keep me company while I prepare everything.” He took a step to the side and gestured inside.

  I returned the smile and took a step in. “So, what’s on the menu for tonight?” I took a whiff of the air. Despite just having started preparing the dinner, it already smelled amazing.

  “Filet mignon and lobster. I hope you like seafood.”

  My mouth started to water just thinking about it. “That sounds amazing.”

  Lachlan smiled at my compliment and headed back towards the kitchen. I followed closely behind and I couldn’t help but stare at his ass the entire way. When we got to the kitchen he quickly glanced behind him and caught me in the act. I gave him a smile and he rolled his eyes again.

  I took a seat at the bar stool next to the kitchen island as he returned to the stove. He took a stick of butter from the counter and tossed it into a pot, letting it melt before tossing in some whole cloves of garlic. I wasn’t sure whether it was his tight jeans that defined his round ass, or him working on something so intently and carefully that drove me crazy.

  “Do you mind getting the steaks from the fridge? Just need to let them warm up to room temperature before I fry them,” Lachlan requested.

  His question snapped me out of my daydream. “Yeah, for sure.” I walked to the fridge and grabbed the steaks wrapped in brown paper. Just as I was about to put them on the counter, he turned back around to reach for a spatula. His arm gently grazed over my mine, sending a shock down my spine. I let out a little gasp and turned to face Lachlan who gave me a smile, looking just as aroused.

  “Thanks,” he said. He bit down gently on his lower lip before turning back to the stove.

  I didn’t know if he was trying to turn me on purposely, but I wanted nothing more right now than to rip off his clothes and feel my body pressed against his.

  Lachlan must have noticed I was getting aroused and feeling it himself because he opened the window next to the stove. “Watch where you’re throwing off those alpha pheromones,” he warned me, turning back to look at me briefly. “We haven’t even had dinner yet.” He let out a wink and returned his attention to what he was doing.

  I let out a chuckle and took a few deep breaths to try and calm myself. Damn, he was looking good.

  Lachlan finished cooking the meal while I sat and watched him, my mouth watering at the food just as much as it was watching his tight body dance around the kitchen. Before I knew it, he had the food on plates and brought them over to the table. He cracked open a bottle of wine and poured us each a glass.

  The meal was absolutely delicious and the company was even better. Before long, we had both finished our plates. Lachlan poured us another glass of wine.

  “That was amazing,” I complimented, picking up the glass and taking a big sip.

  Lachlan gave me a smile and took a drink from his glass. “Glad you enjoyed it.”

  We spent the next little while laughing and drinking. Not realizing my glass was empty, I picked it up and brought it to my mouth. “Oh,” I remarked, realizing there was nothing left in it. Lachlan let out a laugh and grabbed another bottle from the fridge. “Getting a little drunk?” he joked as he poured me another glass and took his seat next to me again.

  “No, not yet. Why, are you trying to get me drunk?” I replied, giving him a wink as I did. Lachlan bit down on his lower lip. Just then, I felt his foot brush along my leg. That was all it took for my cock to stiffen up against my pants. He laughed when he noticed I was reaching down to readjust my pants.

  I’d been checking him out all night and I knew I couldn’t resist his body any longer. I was surprised that I had been able to make it this far. I leaned my body towards him and when I did, he shifted himself a little closer towards me. His face was inches away from mine and my eyes moved from his eyes to his lips. He bit down on his bottom lip as I moved in closer, aching to taste his lips on mine. Just before they were able to touch, he pulled back slightly and let out a teasing laugh. Fuck, I wanted him bad and he knew it.

  He licked his lips and moved them back to mine, pausing for just a second when they grazed against each other. When the moment was too strong for either of us to resist anymore, our lips pressed together and our tongues explored each other’s. My hand moved to his leg and I could feel his cock fighting to escape the fabric of his pants.

  Just as things were starting to heat up even further, he pulled away from our kiss. I knew from the look in his eyes, though, that he wanted more. No, he needed more. He stood up from his chair and took a step back, motioning for me to follow him with a finger. Eagerly, I complied. When I stood and took a step towards him, he reached out a hand to grab mine. With my hand now in his, he led me out of the kitchen and towards his bedroom. He took me to the foot of the bed and turned back around to face me. When he did, he hooked a thumb on each side of my shirt and tugged it over my head.

  He leaned back towards me, planting another kiss on my lips while running a hand down the length of my chest. His stroke travelled down towards my pants, and with a swift tug on the end of my belt, he unclasped it from its buckle.

  Pulling my lips away from his, I reached my own hands down to the bottom of his shirt and slipped it off over his head. His slender body begged to be explored and I didn’t need convincing. I nuzzled my mouth against his ear lobe and sucked on it gently. He let out a moan and I worked my way down his neck. While I did, he took the time to undo the button of my pants and slide down the zipper.

  I moved my lips down his collar bone, wanting to taste every inch of his body. He rolled his head back and shut his eyes, biting down on his lower lip. I felt his hands tug on the side of my pants, trying to free them from my body. No longer being able to resist
his plea, I pulled my lips away from his body.

  Ceasing the moment and regaining his composure, Lachlan tugged on my pants again. This time they fell down my waist and bunched up down against my ankles, bringing my underwear down with them. Reaching down, I slid myself free from them. Lachlan took a seat on the edge of the bed and marveled at the sight of my large, stiff cock springing out from my pubic hair.

  His breath trembled as his eyes beckoned me towards him. Reaching out an arm, he placed his hand along my waist and ran it down my body towards my thighs and then back up to give my ass a firm squeeze.

  I watched in anticipation as his hand ran back down my thigh and in between my legs. He moved it back up slowly until my sac was caressed in his palm. Using his other hand, Lachlan pressed my cock up against my stomach and brought his face towards my member. In one long lick, his tongue slid from my sac all the way up my shaft. I could already tell that I wouldn’t last long.

  He brought his mouth back down to my sac and took one of my balls into his mouth and rolled it around, massaging it with his tongue. The hand he was using to press my cock against my stomach wrapped around my shaft and he ran his thumb over the tip, coating it with my leaking pre-cum.

  The sensation was almost too much to handle. I wanted to feel the wet warmth of his mouth around my cock. Almost as if on cue, Lachlan let my balls fall out of his mouth. He dragged his tongue back up along my length and using his hand still wrapped around my shaft, he guided it into his mouth. His tongue scraped along the bottom on my shaft as he took nearly three-quarters of my length into his throat. Then with his lips sealed tight around me, he bobbed his head back until only the head of my cock was in his mouth.

  He circled the head with his tongue and I could feel my orgasm building. A raspy moan escaped the back of my throat and Lachlan guided my length back into him, this time, taking the entire length of my shaft into his throat until his face pressed against my groin. “Fuck,” I groaned, fighting to hold back my orgasm.