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The Omega's Physician (Bundle of Joy Series Book 1) Page 8

  “Thank you, Lachlan. Like, so much. School definitely helped me prepare for this, so I’m looking forward to putting my skills to the test. Plus, the commission will definitely help with the student loans I had to take out. You won’t be disappointed.”

  “If you have any questions, you know where to find me.” I gave her a smile, which she reciprocated, and I returned to my office, shut the door, and took a seat back at my desk. There. Out of sight, out of mind, I told myself. But I knew it wouldn’t be that easy.



  It had been two days since I’d heard anything from Lachlan. No texts, no calls, and no emails. It was my decision to leave his bedroom in the middle of the night just a couple days ago, but it felt much longer than that. I felt horrible about leaving, but I still felt like it was what I had to do. Though, I did regret not saying anything or leaving a note. He had messaged me a few times, but I never replied and now it was too late to try and explain myself. What good would it do now? Still, as hard as I tried, I couldn’t get him out of my mind. Plus, it didn’t help that every time I looked out the window, I saw his face plastered on the for-sale sign at the end of my driveway. I told myself I didn’t want to see him again, but I couldn’t help looking out the window a few times just to see his face.

  I took the day off from work again, using the excuse that I wanted to use up some of my personal days before they expired, but really, I just wanted to be alone. I wasn’t in any mood to be at the hospital. Especially considering the off chance that Lachlan might show up there.

  I decided to go for a walk around the block. I thought the fresh air might help cheer me up a bit. My breath quivered when I stepped out the front door and saw his face on the sign. I wanted to look away, to get him out of my mind, but my eyes kept gravitating towards it. His dark hair, strong jaw, high cheek bones, and hazel eyes made me lick my lips at the same time as a flash of regret washed over me. It wasn’t going to be easy to stop thinking about him, but I needed to get him out of my life. For both our sakes. The image of my father’s messy divorce, cheating, and crying flashed through my mind again.

  I quickly averted my eyes from the sign and made an effort to distract myself from it as I passed. After a few steps, I thought I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I pulled it out of my pocket, my heart racing. Was it Lachlan? Nope, just my imagination. I tucked it back into my pocket and continued on my way. It seemed like every few minutes I felt the same phantom vibrating in my pocket, followed by the same disappointment shortly after when I realized it was my imagination, and not Lachlan trying to call me.

  It made me feel better when Lachlan was trying to get in touch with me. It made me feel better, but I knew I wouldn’t have answered if he did. I hadn’t replied to his messages a couple days ago, and I wouldn’t now. I knew it was selfish, but somehow knowing that he still felt something for me made me feel better.

  When he was messaging me a few days ago, when I first left, it was what got me through the day. Knowing that he still wanted me. Now, I dreaded that he wasn’t trying to contact me anymore. Somehow, when he was still trying to get in touch, it hadn’t seemed like we lost anything yet. But, now that he wasn’t reaching out anymore, I knew that we were actually over, whatever it was we had, and the emotions hit like a ton of bricks.

  I wanted to see him more than anything, to hear his voice and touch his skin. And that was exactly why I had to leave. It was why I couldn’t see him anymore. What we had, though still young and blossoming, was perfect. I knew the only way it could go from there was down. Just like my parents’ marriage.

  A few more kilometers around the block and a few more vibrations in my pocket. Only this time, I wasn’t going to check until I got back home. I knew I’d drive myself crazy if I kept looking at my phone, hoping to see Lachlan’s name pop up. Making my way down the last street, I turned back down to my own. I could see my condo now, but I tried not to look at Lachlan’s picture at the end of the driveway.

  When I got back to the driveway, I shut my eyes for a few steps until I knew I passed the sign before opening them again. I got back inside the condo and shut the door and went to the kitchen, grabbing a beer from the fridge, and covered my hand with my shirt to twist off the cap. Bringing the bottle to my mouth I took a sip as I walked out the backdoor and had a seat on the back patio. That way I could enjoy the crisp fresh air without having Lachlan’s photo staring back at me.

  Remembering the vibrations I felt from my pocket on the walk, I slid my fingers into it and hooked out my phone. I assumed it was more phantom vibrations, but I took in a sharp breath when I unlocked the screen and saw that I had missed a call from the realtor’s office.

  A red dot was covering the voicemail icon, indicating that a message was left. I took a few deep breaths and another sip of beer. I assumed Lachlan got the hint I wasn’t going to answer his calls, so he called from the office knowing I’d have to answer. Using my condo listing as an excuse to talk to me. I let out a chuckle. Clever. I tapped on the voicemail icon and brought the speaker to my ear.

  “Hi, Donovan. This is Tanya from the realtor’s office. I’m Lachlan’s assistant. I’m just calling to see if you’d be available for a showing today? It’s the same couple from a few days ago who did a walkthrough. They seem very interested, but just want to have another look before putting in any sort of offer. We will be there in about an hour. We still have a copy of the key on file, so we will go ahead with the showing if you’re not home, but it would be great if you could make it in case the clients want information that we wouldn’t be able to provide. Thank you.”

  Huh. I took another sip of the beer. So, I guess it wasn’t just a trick Lachlan was pulling to try and get through to me. Though, I wouldn’t be surprised if this was what he was waiting for. It wasn’t like I could just take my condo off the market and he would know that I would have to see him eventually to sign the paperwork. Now that I thought about it, I wouldn’t put it past him if his plan was to try and talk to me after the showing ended. It was definitely the type of ploy I would expect.

  Would it really be so bad to see him though? A final goodbye and a little bit of closure for the both of us? Maybe, but I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to handle that. I mean, I was having a hard-enough time just having to handle seeing his face on the sign by the driveway, I didn’t think I’d be able to keep away from him if I saw him in person again.

  The more I thought about it, the more I believed that maybe the best course of action would to just head out for a few hours. Lachlan could do the showing on his own, it wasn’t like he didn’t already know everything about the place. Hell, he was the number one realtor in the area for a reason.

  Then again, it was the same couple coming today that already had one walk through. Obviously, they were interested and Tanya did say in the voicemail that an offer might be on the table if things went well. If they did end up making an offer, I’d have to see Lachlan anyway to sign off on the paperwork. It would probably be easier to just get it over with as quick as possible so we could both move on with our lives.

  In the end, I decided to stay. If the couple made an offer we could do the paperwork right away. If Lachlan had any questions I could give him some answers to rip the band aid off, so to speak, and be done with it. I mean, I needed to find a place closer to work so it wasn’t like I could just take my place off the market and start with a new agency. Everything was already set up, we just needed a buyer now. Plus, it wouldn’t look good for potential buyers to see the same house delisted and relisted again under a different agency.

  I took another sip of the beer. I mean, it would be nice to see Lachlan also. Just one last time. It wasn’t much longer until I heard a knock on the front door. I finished off the beer and brought it into the kitchen to put into the recycling. Another knock on the door. “Just a minute, be right there,” I shouted, as I walked towards the front door.

  Three figures stood outside the door from what I could see from the
frosted glass by the door. I took a few deep breaths before opening it. As much as I didn’t want to see Lachlan, knowing how difficult it would be on both of us, I also felt a rush of excitement, almost happiness I was going to see him again. Even if it was the last time. I opened the door.

  “Hi. Donovan, right?” a girl said, extending her hand. Beside her was the couple that I recognized from the walk through.

  “Yeah. And you are?” I extended my hand out to shake hers.

  “Tanya.” Her face lit up with a smile. “I left a voicemail on your phone a little earlier, did you get it?”

  “Yeah, I was just expecting Lachlan to be here.”

  “Actually, Lachlan assigned me your file. But don’t worry, you’re in great hands and still have the entire agency at your disposal.” She pointed her eyes towards the couple next to her.

  Taking a step to the side, I held the door wide open and motioned inside. “Sorry about that. Come on in and have a look around. If you have any questions, I’ll be in the kitchen.”

  The man gave me a smile and ushered his partner in front of him as they walked inside. They started chatting among each other, so I made my way to the kitchen and took a seat at the island to give them some space to look around and myself some time to evaluate what was going on.

  It was a rude awakening to be informed that Lachlan had handed over my file to Tanya. I wasn’t sure why I was so upset about it, I didn’t want to see Lachlan. In fact, I’d been considering heading out for a few hours when I thought it was him that was coming to do the showing. So, why was I feeling so hurt that he wasn’t and that he was no longer was responsible for my file?

  About twenty minutes later, I heard the chatter between them pick back up by the front door. I peeked around the corner to see Tanya open the door to let the couple out. “I’ll let you know how it goes as soon as I know. Take care,” she called out to them before shutting the door and joining me in the kitchen.

  Standing in the walkway of the kitchen she gave me a big smile and raised her eyebrows. “Good news. They decided to make an offer. It’s a little less then you were asking, but considering the market right now, I think it’s worth considering.” She took a seat next to me and put the manila envelope she was carrying on the table. She opened it up and slid a piece of paper with their offer in front of me.

  I looked over it. I was still making a profit compared to what I purchased the place for. “Let’s do it,” I told her.

  Her eyebrows arched even higher. “Are you sure? You can take some time to think about it. It’s a big decision, so there’s no need to rush.”

  “I’m sure,” I said, giving her an approving nod. I would have wanted a little more, but considering I was making a profit and I no longer had a reason to see Lachlan anymore, I decided to go with it.

  “Alrighty then.” She opened the manila envelope again and collected a few forms to finalize the agreement. “I’m just going to need you to read through and sign these. They pretty much just say that you agree to the offer and commit to selling the house on the condition that the buyers’ loan comes through from the bank.”

  I skimmed through the stack of papers and initialed them in a few places before signing the last page of the contract. When I was all finished, I passed them back to her.

  Tanya gave me another smile and shook my hand again. “Congratulations.” She put the documents back in the envelope and tucked it into her briefcase. “So, everything finished, but it’s going to take some time to close. We just need to wait for the bank’s loan to be approved and deposited into your account and agree on a move out date. I’ll be in touch.”

  “Alright, thank you, Tanya.” I shot her a smile, but it was forced. She stood up from the table and I walked her to the door.

  “Talk to you soon,” she chimed with enthusiasm as she walked out.

  This was what I wanted, but I still couldn’t help but feel horrible about the whole situation. The more I thought about it, the more depressed I felt and started having second thoughts about everything. Things were going great with Lachlan and I left him alone and without explanation.

  I had a couple more drinks and thought about the situation some more. For some reason, I couldn’t even recall why I ended things with Lachlan the way I did. Of course, I had my own issues I needed to work through, but there was no reason to have put Lachlan through all that. I considered giving him a call, but decided against it.

  By the end of the day, I was on the fence about whether or not I made the right decision. Both about leaving Lachlan and about finalizing the deal to sell the condo. Maybe if I’d declined the offer, Lachlan would have taken the file back. Then I would at least have an excuse to talk to him again.

  Realizing I hadn’t checked the mail in the last couple days, I decided to check to see if anything had come in. I grabbed the pile from the mailbox and brought it into the living room and took a seat on the leather couch.

  Most of the mail ended up being junk, but the last letter in the pile was an envelope with my name and address, but with no return information. Curious, I opened it up and dumped the contents into my hand. A few pictures and a letter came out.

  The letter was from Jim, my alpha dad. I shook my head, annoyed that he’d even bothered to write. I hadn’t talked to him in a while and I wasn’t interested in anything he had to say. He was absent for most of my childhood after he split with my omega dad.

  I wanted to toss it right in the trash, but curiosity got the better of me and I decided to read a bit of it before looking at the pictures.


  Haven’t spoken in a while, so thought I’d drop you a line. I’m not sure if you’ll even read this, so I’ll keep it brief and let you know what I’ve been up to.

  Currently, I’m somewhere in the tropics, but who knows where I’ll be by the time this reaches you. I’ve been doing a lot of travelling. It’s a big world out there, you should explore it sometime. I’ve made a few friends along the way. We’re getting pretty close.

  You know, the tropics are a lot more liberating then back home. A lot less taboos, you know? Been seeing these two omegas. We’ve been travelling together. Relationships haven’t always been my forte. But you know what, whoever said two was better than one hit the nail on the head!

  Take care,


  I put the letter on the coffee table and grabbed the photos he sent with the letter. In the picture, Jim was sitting in a yellow lounging chair somewhere on a beach. White sand covered the ground, with blue skies and a bunch of palm trees in the background. Under each of his arms was a tanned omega boy toy. He had one pulled in close, kissing him on the cheek, and the other sipped something from a coconut.

  My face started to warm and the pictures shook in my hand from anger. I shook my head. Fucking alpha-hole, I muttered to myself before crumpling the photos and letter up in a ball and tossing them by the front door near the basket I used for junk mail.

  Suddenly, I remembered all the reasons I had to end it with Lachlan. My father’s casual philandering sent me into a rage and I wished I had never read the letter when I realized it was from him.

  I left Lachlan because it had to be that way. It had to be that way because I wasn’t going to open myself up to being like Jim, who cheated on my omega dad and treated omegas like sex toys whose only purpose was to satisfy himself, or like my omega dad Henry, who withdrew into himself for my entire childhood and didn’t have the balls to stand up for himself.



  When I’d heard from Tanya that she closed the deal on Donovan’s condo, I had mixed emotions. On one hand, I was happy that he no longer would have an affiliation with the agency and I wouldn’t have to worry about seeing him around the office and having to go to his place to help stage for showings. On the other hand, despite knowing that Donovan and I were over, it felt like the final step of the end.

  Donovan proved himself to be an alpha-hole, just like every other alpha I’d
ever dated, but I couldn’t just forget how he made me feel when we were together. I still didn’t know why he left without saying anything, and I tried my best to stop trying to figure it out. It was over, Donovan didn’t want to see me anymore, and I just had to learn to deal with it. Besides, I should consider myself lucky that he left when he did and not when we got even closer than we already were.

  It had been a couple weeks now since I heard from Tanya that she closed the deal and I was grateful that I never ran into Donovan during the whole process. Looking back at the last few weeks, the days just kind of muddled together and formed a blur. I carried on with what I had to do, but it wasn’t with the same enthusiasm I had when I was with Donovan. In short, I couldn’t stop moping around. I tried my best to get back to a normal day to day routine and not think about him, but it proved harder than I thought it would be.

  I contacted Katy a couple weeks ago and told her I was now fully ready to commit to artificial insemination from a donor. Thankfully, she arranged for me to come in today to review the books and look through the donor list. As soon as I called her, I downloaded the fertility tracking app on my phone again. It was a long couple weeks leading up to today, and Donovan was still weighing heavily on my mind, but I was also excited to move on with my life. Excited to go through with the insemination and have a child of my own.

  According to the application I was supposed to be entering my fertility stage a couple days ago, but it wasn’t registering. I had a couple ideas what was going wrong, so I wasn’t too concerned. I figured it was most likely either due to stress, or software issues. It kept prompting me to update the application, but whenever I tried, I was greeted with an error message which wouldn’t allow me to update it. Regardless, whatever the issues were, it was something I was hoping to talk about with Katy during our appointment.