The Omega's Physician (Bundle of Joy Series Book 1) Page 9
I checked the time on my phone. It was just past noon, so I figured I’d head over to the hospital now and take a look at the books before the appointment. That way I could choose a donor and be ready to proceed with the process by the time Katy was ready to see me. It crossed my mind a few times that it was possible that I could run into Donovan, but I pushed the thought aside. Sure, I was nervous, but we were over and I had to move on with my life.
The hospital parking lot was busier than usual, which I took as a good sign. If it was as busy inside, there would be less of a chance of running into Donovan. After a few minutes of driving around and scanning the lot, I finally found someone getting ready to pull out. Once he had cleared the spot and took off down the lane towards the road, I pulled in and put the car in park.
Getting out, I made my way towards the hospital door and walked inside. Looking around, it definitely had been the busiest I’d seen. I made my way towards the elevator and stepped in with a group of people already waiting. A few people clicked theirs floors and after the commotion settled a little I reached over and tapped the button for the sixth. The doors closed with their familiar chime.
It took a few minutes to reach the sixth floor, with a barrage of people getting in and out at each floor the elevator stopped at. The sixth floor wasn’t as busy as the others, but still more so than the few times I had already been here.
I walked over towards the receptionist and waited in line. She called me over when it was my turn. “Hi, I have a meeting with Katy Beckett. I’m a little early, but I was hoping to take a look at the donor books before I was called in.”
The receptionist tapped a few keys on her computer. “Yeah, I see here that she is expecting you. She actually left a comment here saying that she has a private room open for you for that exact purpose.” She smiled. “Just down the hall, second to last door on the left.”
“Thanks.” I made my way down the long hall until I reached the room and stepped inside, closing the door behind me. The stack of black binders containing the registered donors was already laid out on the table for me, so I took a seat at the desk and rolled the chair in closer.
I opened the binder closest to me and started flipping through the pages. The first binder was a dud and the second wasn’t much better. The third book I flipped through had an alpha that caught my attention. His blonde hair and green eyes nearly leaped off from the page. I read further down in the description. He described his personality as laid back and unsentimental. I was a little turned off by the unsentimental comment, but choose to view it as describing himself as more free-spirited than anything. Someone who didn’t value possessions. I could get behind that.
Perfect, I found my donor, I said aloud to myself. I didn’t find myself visually attracted to the man in the photo, but he wasn’t unattractive by any means. What I liked about him was that his appearance and personality were the exact opposite of Donovan.
A knock on the door sounded behind me before it swung open. “Lachlan. It’s nice to see you again,” Katy said, looking happy to see I was browsing through the donor list already. “Let’s head to my office and get going.”
I gave her a nod and stood up from the desk, making sure to grab the binder with the man I had chosen. “Nice to see you as well. Thanks again for scheduling this appointment for me.” I followed her out of the room and down another hall to her office. She opened the door and held it for me as I walked in. I took a seat at her desk and she took hers.
“So, I see you holding onto the binder. Find someone you like?”
“Page 26,” I said, as I passed her the book.
She took it and scanned his information. “Good choice.”
She put the book back down on her desk and leaned back in her chair, clasping her hands together. “So, as we discussed previously, I asked for you to track your fertility using the application. Where are we on that front?”
“Well, having a little issue on that front, but I don’t think it’s anything to be concerned about. According to the application, I should have been fertile starting a couple days ago, but the application isn’t registering it. I read that stress can delay it a bit, though. Also, the program won’t update despite prompting me. So, that may be the issue as well.” I pulled my phone out of my pocket to show her.
Katy took my phone and pressed a few buttons, navigating through a couple different menus. “That’s strange. I’m not quite sure why it isn’t working.” She handed me the phone and I tucked it into my pocket. “I’m going to get you to do a urine sample. I’ll run the results in the lab and can tell you exactly what’s going on. How’s that sound?”
At this point, I’d do almost anything to figure out what was going on so we could hurry up and get going with the insemination process. “Yeah, that sounds great.”
Katy got out of her chair and walked towards the corner of the room, where a large shelving unit was. Opening one of the drawers, she grabbed a small cup that was wrapped in sterile packaging. “Washroom is right here,” she said, and waved her hand at a door next to her.
I took the cup from Katy and went into the washroom to do my business. A few minutes later, I came back out with the filled cup in hand. I put it down on her desk.
“I’ll be back in just a few minutes with the results.” Katy took the cup and left the room.
Sitting back down on the chair, I started to twiddle my thumbs. To say I was nervous would be an understatement. I didn’t think anything was wrong, but the tension of waiting to find out for sure was a little intimidating.
Finally, Katy came back into the room holding a slip of paper. I tried to read her facial expression, but it was nothing more than blank. It made me even more nervous. I was expecting her to come in and inform me that it was just an issue with the application and that I was fertile now and we could go ahead with the insemination process. Instead, she walked in the room quietly, took a seat at her desk, and looked at me blankly.
Finally, she spoke. “Well, I have some good news for you.”
I let out a sigh of relief and relaxed my shoulders a little. “Stress or problem with the app, I’m guessing?”
Katy shook her head. “No, not quite. The good news is you won’t have to go through with the insemination process. I ran the analysis on the urine sample. Lachlan, you’re already pregnant.”
My jaw dropped at the news and a rush of emotions spilt through my body. How could that be possible? A myriad of reactions took turns in my mind. First excitement, then fear. Presumably, the same reaction that most parents got when the find out they were going to have a baby. Then, the reality of the situation hit. The only person I had sex with in the last year or so was Donovan.
Suddenly, I remembered the last time we had sex, the condom had broken. But I wasn’t supposed to be fertile then. “Katy, I know who the father is, but when we had sex the application said that I wasn’t fertile for a few more days.”
She gave me a smile. “That’s actually pretty common. Sperm can live for up to five days, so it’s possible it survived long enough until you reached fertility. That also explains why the application wasn’t detecting accurately. It could detect you were fertile, because you should have been at that point, but you were already pregnant.”
Silently, I sat there for a few moments not saying a word. I was excited that I was going to have a baby, it was what I wanted. It was why I had been tracking my fertility, going for multiple appointments with Katy, and choosing a donor from the list. But I also couldn’t stop thinking about Donovan. It was his child that was growing inside of me. As excited as I was, I also couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed that Donovan wouldn’t be involved.
“Lachlan?” Katy’s voice called to me.
I snapped out of the daze and back into the present moment. “Hmm?” I replied, shaking my head and retuning my focus back to Katy, who was sitting there staring at me.
“Thanks.” I
blinked my eyes a few times, still taking everything in. “So, what’s next?” I was genuinely curious.
“Well, we’re going to schedule you another appointment with me for next month. In the meantime, if you have any questions, just give me a call. She passed me a brochure titled “What to expect when you’re expecting.”
Mostly, it just had some general tips. What to eat, what to avoid, exercises that may help with the birth. Stuff that I already knew from the months of research I had already done before I even scheduled an appointment at the hospital.
Katy typed a few keys on her computer. “There we go, all set. Again, the receptionist will give you a call a couple days before the appointment as a reminder.”
I stood up from the chair and started towards the door. “Thanks Katy, take care.”
“We’ll be in touch,” she replied.
Making my way back to the elevator, I kept thinking about Donovan. I was thrilled I was pregnant and I should have been practically skipping the rest of the day with joy, but still, I couldn’t help but think that I’d be raising Donovan’s child. A child he wouldn’t know about. A child whose life he wouldn’t be involved in.
I mean, I didn’t want Donovan in my life if he didn’t want to be. But I still felt a little disappointed. I wanted to tell him, but I knew I couldn’t. I didn’t want to have to put him through that.
When he left my place in the middle of the night he made the decision that he didn’t want to be with me anymore. I wasn’t going to tell him that I was pregnant with his baby. I wanted him to want me because he loved me, not because one night of passion locked him into some sort of obligation to be with me.
I was so lost in my thoughts, I hadn’t even noticed that the waiting room and halls were even busier then when I had first arrived. Standing by a crowd of people by the elevator, I waited until the chime sounded and the doors opened. Half a dozen of us stepped inside and made our way down. It stopped a few times before reaching the ground floor.
The group of people in the elevator pushed out past me and I stood near the back as to not get in anyone’s way. Finally, with the crowd now ahead of me, I stepped out. The elevator doors started to close behind me as I turned to walk towards the front doors.
“Can you hold the doors, please?” a familiar voice called in my direction from the opposite side I was going to head. Feeling courteous, I turned back around and held a hand out between the doors. The sensor beeped and the doors opened back up.
I looked into the crowd of people to see who had called out to me. Suddenly, I saw someone emerge and walk towards the elevator. It was Donovan. My heart pounded hard against my chest and I squeezed my hands into fists. Before I came to the appointment today, I knew it was a possibility that I could run into him and I thought I’d have the strength to not break down if I did. Now, I was seriously reconsidering that.
Part of me wanted to run away, another wanted to punch him right in the face. Still, another part wanted to wrap my arms around him and taste his lips on mine. I tried to silence that part.
When Donovan say that it was me that he called out to, his facial expression changed from a smile to nothing. Completely blank, but his eyes spoke volumes. He could ignore me, not speak, keep a calm face and neutral body language, but he couldn’t hide how he was really feeling from the emotions in his eyes.
It only took a few seconds for him to reach the elevator, but it felt like an eternity. People were still buzzing all around me, but for a moment it felt like time stood still. The chatter died down and the only person I could see was Donovan. Everything else blurred together in the background.
The closer he got, the more I started to sweat. I could feel the heat pour off my body and my heart pounded even harder against my chest. I looked directly into his eyes, and for a moment, I swore I could see regret in them.
We didn’t say a word to each other, but when he got to the elevator, he paused for a moment, standing in front of me. Our eyes were still looking into each other’s.
A moment passed, and it couldn’t have been a longer than a couple of seconds, but I was sure it was regret in his eyes. Regret that he left me the way he did. Regret that he never answered my calls or messages.
I regretted I ever trusted him. I regretted that I let him into my heart so easily. But I wasn’t going to regret giving him another shot. A chance to explain himself. I broke our gaze first, and brushed past him without saying a word. I walked out towards the front doors and as much as I wanted to turn and see if he was watching, I couldn’t let myself.
When I saw Lachlan holding the elevator for me, it felt like a heavy weight pushed down against my chest. I wanted to say something to him, but I couldn’t get the words out. He just stood there, holding the door and looking into my eyes. I could see the pain on his face, whether he wanted to admit it or not. When he brushed past me, it broke my heart. I hated seeing him like that. Still, I did what I had to do and I knew he would get over me eventually.
I got on the elevator and tapped the button for the sixth floor to head to my office. Before the doors closed, a few more people stepped on with me. I recognized couple of them as doctors from the hospital, but we didn’t talk. Besides, I wasn’t in the mood for chitchat. Lachlan was here for a reason, I just didn’t know why. I assumed he came to see me and ended up leaving a message with the receptionist for me.
By the time I got to the sixth floor, I was the only one left on the elevator. The door chimed and opened and I stepped out. The waiting room was a little busier than usual, which was why I was asked if I could come in. Originally, I had booked the day off. I figured I had nothing to do today and I could use the money. Since accepting the offer for my condo, a little less than I had hoped, I had taken to picking up a couple extra shifts or working late. Money wasn’t that big of an issue for me, but the pricing market in town where I was looking for a new place was a little higher than the suburbs where my condo was.
I made my way towards the receptionist. There were a few people lined up, so I waited until they had gone through before speaking with her. When she was free, I approached. “Hey, I think someone might have left a message for me with you. Do you mind checking?”
“Uhh, I don’t remember getting a message, but let me check.” She tapped a few keys on the computer. “Nope, doesn’t look like it.”
Confused, I scratched my head. I assumed Lachlan was here for me and left a message with the receptionist, so I was little thrown off. “Are you sure? Maybe check under Lachlan McKinney’s file. He just left a few minutes ago.”
She tapped a few more keys. “Just give me a second and I’ll check it out,” she said. “Alrighty. So, you’re right, we do have a Lachlan McKinney that was signed in today. But, it doesn’t look like he left you a message. Sorry to disappoint you, but it looks like he wasn’t here for you, he just had an appointment with another doctor.”
The words stung when I heard them and I lowered my head. I was so sure that he had come here to leave me a message. Why would he even need an appointment at the hospital? I’d just seen him a few minutes ago and he looked fine. “Thanks.”
Of course I was disappointed, but I refused to admit it to myself. I raised my head back up and continued on my way to my office. My pride was hurt, but I was determined not to show it to anyone.
I was so distraught and caught up in the moment, I nearly walked into the wrong office. Luckily, I caught myself before opening the door. As soon as I got to my office, I took a seat at my desk and rolled my chair back to stretch out. Putting my hands behind my head, I let out a sigh. Seeing Lachlan had more of an effect on me than I thought it would.
The past couple of weeks had been difficult, but I managed to get through them without Lachlan. I told myself the hardest part was over, but I still hadn’t completely convinced myself. Still, if I got through the last couple weeks, I figured I could keep it up, taking it one day at a time. So what if I had been spending most of my d
ays thinking about him?
I might have let myself fall for this omega, but that was why I needed to end things. Lachlan didn’t understand, but I left for him as much as I did for myself. It was better for us this way. To end things before I let Lachlan know how I felt. Before I had a chance to know how he felt. All it would have done was make us vulnerable.
The rest of the day was a blur. I had a few appointments with some of my own patients and then helped some of the other doctors and nurses with the abundant patients who seemed to flow in at a constant rate. At one point, I was even helping the general practitioner. It was nothing complicated, though not my field of expertise. Still, I had gone to medical school and was more than capable of diagnosing a common cold.
A few times, Lachlan popped into my head. I tried to brush it to the side, but the thought of him was persistent. I didn’t think I could stop thinking about him if I wanted to. And that was where I thought the issue was. I didn’t want to forget about Lachlan. I didn’t even want to distance myself from him, but I had to. I wouldn’t allow myself to become vulnerable. I wouldn’t subject myself, or him for that matter, to the chance of us turning out like my parents. I saw what love could do to people and I promised myself I wouldn’t let it happen to me.
I was just finishing up a beer from a pub across the street from the hospital when I noticed the time on my phone. It was nearly noon. Today was my last appointment with Katy before I was to be transferred to an OB. It had been a month since my last appointment and I was looking forward to seeing her today. She had been so helpful throughout this whole process and I was little nervous that she had to transfer me to an OB. I knew it was standard practice, but I still wished she could help me throughout the remainder of the pregnancy.