The Omega's Physician (Bundle of Joy Series Book 1) Read online

Page 13

  When he got back to the booth, he took a seat opposite me and slid one of the chocolate shakes towards me.

  “Thanks,” I said giving him a smile before I took a sip through the straw. “Mmm,” I moaned. I wasn’t much one for ice cream before, but now that my pregnancy was starting to show, I couldn’t stop craving it.

  Donovan chuckled. “Woah, there. Are you having a milkshake or an orgasm right now?”

  I opened my eyes to see him giving me a wink. “To be honest, if I was having an orgasm right now, I still think I’d prefer the shake.” I took another sip. “I’m not sure if I’m gaining baby weight right now, or if it’s from all the sweets I can’t keep my hands off of.”

  “Well, if you change your mind, I’m here to help in any way I can.” Donovan raised his eyebrows and the corner of his lips tugged up into a smile.

  “Oh yeah? I’ll keep that in mind,” I said in between a fit of laughter. I was sure from anyone else’s perspective we just looked like a couple on a date. I mean, really, with all the time we had been spending together since I invited him to my OB appointment, what we were doing could almost be called dating.

  Donovan took a sip of his shake. “It’s good, but I don’t think it’s better than an orgasm good.”

  “Well, you’re not the one who’s pregnant,” I retorted with a raised eyebrow.

  “Touché.” He put his treat back down on the table. “So, I was thinking about catching a movie tonight. I could use some company.”

  As much as I wanted to agree, I decided to decline. “I can’t tonight. Actually, I have a fitness class I want to try. It’s for expecting parents. It’s supposed to help with the birth. I’m not sure how much help it will be, but I figured it isn’t like a little exercise would hurt.”

  He nodded in agreement but looked a little disappointed that I’d declined. “One of the benefits of being pregnant.”

  “What’s that?” I asked, slurping down the last little bit of my shake.

  “Getting to trade in pre-workout protein shakes for pre-workout milkshakes.”

  I rolled my eyes and let out a laugh. “Yeah, I also get to use the priority parking spaces.” I nodded out the window towards my car, which I’d parked in the expecting omegas spot.

  Donovan licked his lips before replying. “Well, I’ll have to keep that in mind if I can’t find a parking spot. Just have to pick you up and get a front row spot. Always nice to have a friend with benefits.”

  I had to laugh at his play on words. Friends with benefits. We hadn’t so much as held hands since he came back into my life, but I’d be lying if I said I only wanted him as a friend. Still, the memory of him leaving in the middle of the night after I had fallen for him burned fresh in my mind.

  “Oh shit,” I said, glancing at the clock on the wall. “Didn’t realize it was already this late. I need to get going if I want to make that class.” I got up from the table and tossed some money down. “Shakes are on me.”

  Donovan walked me to my car and opened the door for me. He stood and watched as I drove off. I watched him from the rear-view mirror as I pulled away.

  It was only a few weeks later that I really noticed that my pregnancy was starting to show. When I got out of bed, I rushed to the bathroom feeling the now daily nausea starting to rise up. When I was sure I wasn’t going to be sick, I tossed on some sweatpants and an old baggy shirt. It was the only thing I had in my closet that still fit.

  Just then, the doorbell rang. Slowly, since it was the only speed setting I seemed to have anymore, I made my way down and opened the door. “Oh, Donovan. I didn’t know you were coming over.”

  “Hope you don’t mind? I brought some breakfast.” He held out a brown bag and a tray with two drinks. “It’s just tea, in case you were wondering,” he added when he noticed I was curiously looking at the cups. “Mint tea. It should help with the nausea.”

  Playfully, I pretended to roll the idea around in my head. “Well, I guess that depends on what you brought over for breakfast.”

  Donovan gave me a smirk. “Bagels with cream cheese and salmon.”

  “I guess I approve,” I joked. Standing to the side I let him walk inside before I shut the door behind him.

  He followed me into the kitchen and took a bagel from the bag and put it on the table with one of the teas. “How’s our little dude doing today?” he asked, looking down at my baby bump, which I was rubbing a hand over.

  “Still fussy in the mornings, but what else is new? According to everything I read, though, the nausea should be ending soon, so at least I have that to look forward to.” I took a seat at the table and took a bite of the bagel. “What do you have going on today? Not that I don’t appreciate you coming by.”

  Donovan took a seat next to me and grabbed the other tea from the tray and took a sip. “Nothing really. Hence why I decided to stop by. What about you?”

  I shrugged. “I didn’t have anything planned, but thinking about going to the mall for a bit.” I put my bagel down and motioned to my outfit. “Sweatpants seem to be the only thing that fit me anymore, so figured I’d do a little shopping. I at least want to look presentable for when I have to leave the house.”

  He let out a laugh. “Well, I think you look great.” He took a sip of his tea.

  His comment made me blush a little. “Thanks.” I hesitated for a moment before continuing. “I wouldn’t mind some company if you want to kill some time.”

  “I’d love to,” he said almost immediately.

  Donovan’s enthusiasm made me smile. “Would you mind driving? I’m getting a little tired of having to adjust the steering wheel. Seems like my bump is getting bigger every minute.”

  He let out a laugh. “Sure,” he agreed. “As long as I get to pay for the outfits.”

  “You don’t have to do that, Donovan,” I contested. Donovan cut me off before I could continue.

  “I mean, I’m the one who got you pregnant after all. Buying a new wardrobe for you is the least I could do.”

  Well, I couldn’t argue with that. Reluctantly, I agreed. “Fine, if you insist. “

  Donovan gave me a wink and took another sip of his tea. “I do.”

  When I finished eating, Donovan picked up the trash and tossed it in the garbage while I washed my hands. “Ready to go when you are.”

  I followed behind Donovan and locked the front door behind us. I rolled my eyes when he opened the car door for me. He got in the driver’s side and turned on the car.

  “Hope you don’t mind, but I read a study where music apparently helps with child development during pregnancy,” Donovan said. He reached into his pocket and grabbed his phone and plugged it into the auxiliary cable. After adjusting the knob on the dash to play the music from his phone, he unlocked the screen and clicked on a playlist.

  I couldn’t help but laugh as soft classical music played over what sounded like a whale call. “Well, not my typical driving music, but you’re the doctor.”

  Donovan chuckled. “You know, I didn’t listen to the music before I bought it. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but it definitely wasn’t this.” He reached back towards the cord to unplug it.

  “No, it’s nice. I’m sure the baby loves it,” I said, putting my hand on top of his to stop him. Just as I did, I felt a wave of electricity run through my body. Quickly, I took my hand off his and put it back down on my lap.

  He gave me a smile. “Well, alright then.”

  As Donovan started to drive, I gazed out the window. It wasn’t often that I got to be the passenger, so it was nice to just relax and take in the scenery. We didn’t speak the rest of the drive there. We just listened to the music and enjoyed being in each other’s company. Though, I caught him a few times checking me out from the rear-view mirror. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little flattered. Especially considers how big my baby bump had gotten and the fact I was wearing an old shirt and sweat pants a couple sizes too big.

  In what felt like no time at all, Donovan
pulled into the mall parking lot. He drove near the front doors and found a vacant spot for expecting omegas and pulled in. Turning off the car, he unplugged his phone and slipped it back into his pocket before getting out. As soon as he did, he playfully pressed the button to lock the doors and walked around to my side to open my door for me.

  “Funny,” I said while rolling my eyes and letting out an exhale of hot air. “Ever going to let me do things for myself again?”

  He shut the passenger side door when I stepped out. “Of course.”

  “Yeah?” I raised my eyebrows.

  “Yeah, after you give birth.”

  Playfully, I gave him a quick punch on the shoulder. As we began walking towards the mall, Donovan stepped to the other side of me so that he was closest to the traffic. I didn’t say anything, but I thought that it was sweet. Even when Donovan didn’t realize what he was doing, he was trying to protect me. I smiled to myself. Ever since he found out I was pregnant he had become really protective, but never actually touched me. I didn’t know if I wanted him to or not.

  I knew that he wanted to be involved in our child's life, but sometimes it seemed like he wanted more than that. In the end, I thought it was probably just pregnancy brain and I was overthinking things. Still, I didn’t know if I’d complain if he tried to hold my hand.

  The mall was quieter than usual, but then again it was a weekday morning. Not that I was complaining. If anything, I was happy that there would be fewer people to judge my outfit choice. Donovan and I made our way to the maternity store inside the strip and I grabbed a few pairs of pants to try on while Donovan rummaged through a few racks of shirts.

  “I’m just going to try these on,” I called out towards him. He gave me a thumbs up and I made my way to the changing room. The first pair of pants were way two big and the second way two small. It was the first time I had to buy clothes since my pregnancy, and I had no idea what sizes to grab so I took a few different ones. The third pair seemed to be just right. Not too big, but with a little room left to fill out as the baby grew.

  “Donovan?” I said from inside the room, hoping to get his opinion.

  “Right here,” he called back.

  I opened the door and took a step out. “What do you think?” I held my arms out to my side to give him a better look.

  “Hmm.” He scratched the back of his head and then motioned for me to turn around with his finger. “Looks great,” he added when I did. I rolled my eyes when I turned back around to see that he was checking out my ass and biting down on his lip.

  “Doing some shopping of your own?” I asked, noticing that he had one hand holding something behind his back.

  His lips tugged up into a grin. “What do you think?” he asked as he pulled the shirt out from behind him and held it out so I could see it.

  I busted out laughing when I saw that the white short sleeved shirt he was holding had a large picture of Darth Alpha in his signature black mask with a subtitle underneath that read I Am Your Father. “You have to get that,” I exclaimed, still trying to stop laughing.

  “Well, I think it would be a crime against the Republic if I didn’t.” He folded the shirt over his arm. “Going to get those pants? They do honestly look good on you.”

  I turned to face the open door to the changing room and took another look at it through the mirror. “Yeah, I think I am.”

  Going back into the changing room I shut the door behind me and started to put my sweatpants back on.

  Just then, I heard a woman’s voice speaking to Donovan. At least I assumed it was Donovan, since we were the only two shoppers near the changing rooms.

  “How’s everything going? Does your boyfriend need help with anything?

  “We’re doing fine, thank you.” I blushed at Donovan’s response when he didn’t correct her.

  When I stepped back out of the changing room, I didn’t mention anything to Donovan about it. We weren’t dating, but it did feel like it. Still, I couldn’t help but wonder if the only reason Donovan wanted to see me again was because he found out that he was the father of my baby.

  I shook the thought from my mind. We were having a great day so far and I didn’t want something that may just be my imagination ruining that. I went back to the rack, where I found the pants I liked, and grabbed a couple pairs along with a few shirts. When I had a few outfits, Donovan and I went up to the cashier and I placed the clothing on the counter. The cashier started to ring the items through.

  “Oh, don’t forget about this,” Donovan said as he added the shirt he had found.

  I laughed. “You’re actually getting that?” I thought he was only joking when he showed it to me.

  Donovan’s lips tugged up into a smile. “If you’re jealous, you can grab one for yourself as well.”

  “I’m fine, thanks.” I rolled my eyes. The thought of Donovan and me walking around with matching shirts made me giggle.

  When all our items were bagged up, Donovan paid the bill and carried the bags as we made our way back to the strip. We walked around for a bit, peeking into the windows and having a good time. Suddenly, I started getting some pregnancy cramps. “Ouch,” I said, rubbing my belly.

  “Are you alright?” Donovan asked. He must have figured out what was going on because he led me over to a bench. “Here, take a seat and rest for a minute.”

  I sat down and took some deep breaths while rubbing my belly. “Fuck, that hurts.”

  “Want to see if I can help?” Donovan asked, rolling up his sleeves.

  “Anything to make it stop.” I wasn’t sure what Donovan could do to help, but he was a doctor, after all.

  He got off the bench and knelt on the ground next to me. He placed his hand on my baby bump. His touch sent a shiver down the back of my spine and the hair stood off the back of my neck. His hand was only over top of my shirt, but I wished it was on my skin. I watched him closely, waiting to see some amazing trick he’d learned during medical school.

  Instead, I burst out laughing when he leaned his head in close to my belly and started to speak softly. “Listen, baby. I know you’re being a little fussy right now. Maybe you’re just grumpy, but Daddy and I are trying to do some shopping so Daddy has something to wear. Think you can keep it together for a while. At least until we’re done here?”

  I wasn’t sure if it was because my laughter distracted me from the pain, but my cramps had disappeared. Donovan looked up at me, his lips tugged up into a smile. “Feeling better?”

  I nodded and smiled back down at him. This was the Donovan that made me fall so fast in the first place. In that moment, I’d almost forgotten everything that he’d put me through. Up to the point where we left, Donovan hadn’t so much as put a hand on me besides to cup my belly and talk to the baby. I didn't know if I wanted more than that, but my body didn’t seem to agree with me. Donovan took a seat next to me again as I readjusted myself to hide my stiffening cock.

  Seeing Donovan in moments like this was enough to keep me loving him. That was something that scared me. He never touched me in a sexual way since he wanted to be part of our lives and I still wanted him in a way I wasn’t sure he did. If I was sure of anything, it was that I was positive that Donovan wasn’t the typical alpha-hole that I thought he was.

  There was something more to him, but it was a line I didn’t want to cross and risk getting my heart broken by him for a second time.



  We went into a few more stores and picked up a few things for the baby. We’d already grabbed a few outfits, some decorations and toys, as well as a car seat. Now we were mostly just looking around and making fun of the things that seemed like nobody would possibly want to buy.

  Our arms were getting pretty full now with everything we had purchased, so I offered to pack it up into the car and come back inside to keep shopping. Lachlan offered to come with me, but we had already done a lot of walking today and the baby had already had a little fit. I suggested he have a seat and
relax for a few minutes, so we could keep browsing without him getting too tired. He thought about it for a minute, and then agreed.

  We walked together to the front entrance and grabbed a cart and began to load it up with everything we had purchased, and Lachlan took a seat on the bench by the doors. “I’ll be right back,” I told him and I made my way out towards the car.

  The day so far was going great and it was gracious of Lachlan to let me back into his life a little more. I knew I still had work to do before I gained his trust again, but I was willing to do anything for him and our child.

  When I got back inside, Lachlan was still sitting on the bench waiting for me. “What took you so long,” he joked as he stood back up.

  “Realized how much stuff we were buying. Was debating leaving you here before I went bankrupt,” I fired back with a smile.

  Lachlan let out a laugh and met me halfway between the bench he was sitting at and the front doors. “So, I was thinking we should probably grab some soothers and a bottle as well.”

  I nodded in agreement. I wasn’t sure if we were going a little overboard by buying everything before the baby was even born. I was an obstetrician, but my education didn’t offer a class on appropriate times to purchase all the necessary items. My only concern, really, was buying things that were the wrong size or whatnot, but I brushed the concern away. When the baby was born, it wasn’t like we’d have a lot of time to go shopping. “Yeah, probably a good call. Maybe we can grab some lunch after?”

  Lachlan rolled the idea around in his head before agreeing. “Yeah, that could be nice. If you won’t let me buy any of this stuff though, you have to at least let me cover lunch.”

  “Deal.” Just as Lachlan was about to turn back around so we could head back towards the store, I caught a glimpse of someone walking towards us that looked familiar. At first, I didn't think much of it until we got a little closer. Fuck, it was Henry. “Hey, I’m actually getting pretty hungry right now. Maybe we should grab some lunch first? I know a good place just a couple blocks away,” I said, trying to persuade Lachlan we should leave now so I wouldn’t have to confront my omega father.