The Omega's Physician (Bundle of Joy Series Book 1) Read online

Page 14

  Lachlan raised his eyebrows. “Don’t be silly. It’ll only take a couple minutes. Besides, I don’t really see the point of leaving when we’re already here.”

  I let out a sigh and kept walking next to Lachlan, hoping that maybe Henry wouldn’t notice me. The mall was busy now, so it wasn’t completely out of the realm of possibilities. The closer we got, the bigger I could feel the knot in my stomach growing. I averted my eyes to the opposite side of the mall and kept walking with my head lowered to try and shield my face.

  Henry was only a couple yards in front of us now. I held my breath as we walked. A rush of relief flashed over me when we walked right past each other. Then, from behind me, I heard my name called out in an undoubtedly familiar voice.


  I debated on just continuing to walk and hoping that Henry thought he mistook me for someone else, but Lachlan had already stopped walking and turned around to see who was calling out to me. Reluctantly, I stopped and turned around as well. When I did, Henry’s face lit up with a subtle smile and he started coming back towards us. Fuck.

  “I thought that was you, Donovan,” Henry said. He held out a hand and shook mine. “How’ve you been?”

  “Oh, you know busy, just busy with work.” I hated the idea of small talk with my father and at this moment, I’d rather have been just about anywhere else.

  Henry nodded. “Good.” Then he focused his attention to Lachlan, who was standing next to me. Henry made eye contact with him and then slowly lowered his gaze to his baby bump. “Pleasure to meet you,” he added, extending his hand again for Lachlan.

  Lachlan seemed to be enjoying the moment and shook his hand as if the person standing in front of him was an old friend. “Lachlan. Nice to meet you as well. How do you know Donovan?” he asked, curious as to who this mystery man was.

  Henry brushed a hand through his hair before speaking. “I’m Donovan’s father.” He licked his lips. “You must be a friend of Donovan’s?”

  I stuck a hand into the pocket of my jeans and rocked a little on my feet. Lachlan seemed to be at a loss of words, so I decided to step in. “This is my um, partner,” I said, sounding more awkward than I’d hoped. I wasn’t sure how to answer his question either, but partner sounded a whole lot better than an omega I led on, knocked up, abandoned, and was now trying to make amends with.

  Henry glanced back down to Lachlan’s baby bump. “Looks like you’re going to have your hands full soon enough.”

  I thought it was a rather bold statement to make to someone he had just met, but there was no hiding the fact that Lachlan looked pregnant.

  Lachlan let out a throaty exhale. “Yeah, well, it’s a challenge I’m looking forward to. I say that now, but I’m not saying my answers will be the same after the delivery.”

  Henry let out a laugh. “Not to be too forward, but um, is it…” He stumbled on his words a little, trying to figure out how to ask if it was mine without coming off as a jerk.

  Lachlan must have picked up on what he was trying to ask as well because he answered before Henry could even finish the question. “Donovan’s.” He forced a smile before continuing. “Guess you’re going to be a grandfather.”

  A large smile came across Henry’s face but faded nearly as quickly. Normally, a parent would have been happy to find out they were going to be a grandparent, but Henry, Jim, my alpha father, and I had anything but a normal relationship. I had no doubt he was feeling a little hurt and disappointed that I hadn't told him I was seeing someone, let alone that the person I was seeing was pregnant with my child.

  “Ah, well congratulations to you both.” His face was now starting to flush a bit. “When were you planning on telling me?” he asked, turning now to face me.

  “I was going to. Just hadn’t really gotten around to it. Been busy,” I said nonchalantly, trying to shrug him off. “Well, we should get going. Have a little more shopping to do before grabbing lunch.” I motioned towards the stores with my head, trying to urge Lachlan to move along.

  “I mean, you just said you were starting to get hungry now. Why don’t you come along and grab something to eat with us, Henry?” Lachlan asked, catching me completely off guard.

  If it wasn’t bad enough that Lachlan had asked my father, who I didn’t want to have anything to do with right now out to lunch, it was when Henry accepted the offer. Since we still had some shopping to do, Lachlan suggested just hitting up the food court. Reluctantly, I agreed.

  I grabbed some burgers and fries from one of the stands while Lachlan grabbed us a table and Henry went a few stands over to pick up a fajita bowl. By the time I got the food and made my way to the table Lachlan had found, Henry was already sitting down with a forkful of food.

  “So, how long have you two been an item?” Henry asked.

  I shrugged. “It’s complicated.” I took a bite of my own burger to avoid having to delve into any more detail than necessary. Besides, technically, Lachlan and I weren’t even together. He only recently let me back into his life a little and this wasn’t a conversation I wanted to have with old wounds still healing.

  Henry took a sip of his drink and set it back down. “Still living at the same place?”

  I shook my head. “Sold it.”

  Henry looked at me as if he was waiting for more details, but when I didn’t offer any, Lachlan piped up. “He’s looking for something a little closer to work. You know how traffic gets in the city.” He shot me a glare, not sure why I was being so cold.

  The rest of the meal was more of the same. Henry would ask some questions and I’d give him short answers. The atmosphere was tense and the awkwardness of the whole thing weighed on me. Lachlan must have noticed that I wasn’t really interested in conversing with my father or sharing details about my life, so he took it upon himself to carry the stilted conversation with Henry.

  When Lachlan and I finished our meals, I grabbed the wrappers from our burgers and bundled them up into a ball before stacking the trays. Henry was just about finished as well, but when he noticed that Lachlan and I were both done, he ate just a little bit slower.

  I knew what he was doing. Eating slower to try and keep us a little bit longer. I wanted to tell him to hurry up so we could leave, but if Lachlan seemed annoyed that I wasn’t even trying to keep up a conversation with him, I could only imagine what he would think if I told Henry to hurry it up. A few minutes later and Henry stacked his own now empty tray under ours.

  “Well, I guess we should get going,” I said, turning to Lachlan. “Henry.” I gave him a nod. Just as I was about to stand from the table, he reached over and grabbed each one of my hands in his own. His face looked visibly redder now and his eyes were starting to glaze over. Before he could say anything, I tried to pull away, but Henry held on.

  “Donovan,” he pleaded. He gripped my hands firmly. Not out of anger, but out of desperation.

  I didn’t respond. I knew that he wanted to talk about our issues, but right now, I wasn’t ready to hear it. Truth be told, I wasn’t sure I would ever be. But certainly not now and definitely not in front of Lachlan.

  When I didn’t say anything, he spoke again. “I’m sorry for hurting you. Look, can we please just talk?” He blinked back a few tears. “Actually talk. There’s things I need to tell you.”

  I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, growing annoyed and impatient at his last ditch effort of desperation. The last thing I wanted right now was to talk. I didn’t want to the entire lunch, so why would now be any different? I tried to pull away again, but he held his ground, his hands wrapped around mine.

  “I just want a second chance, Donovan. To make things right. To act like a family again.” He glanced quickly over at Lachlan and then down at his baby bump. “Please?”

  It was when he looked down at Lachlan’s baby bump that I started to feel my own eyes start to grow blurry with tears. I blinked them back, refusing to let him see me cry. He had my entire childhood to make things right. I needed him to be
my father then, not now. I learned how to cope without him and I wasn’t ready to just let him walk into my life after all these years just because it was convenient for him. “We need to go,” I stated firmly, not listening to his pleas.

  As soon as the words left my mouth, I felt the weight of his hands on top of mine fade as he slowly pulled them away. He slumped back in his chair and tapped a finger along the brim of the table before finally standing up. There was nothing left to be said that could change my mind, so he pressed his lips together and forced a smile. “Take care, Donovan.” He looked at Lachlan and gave him a final nod before turning his back to us and walking away. His shoulders stooped as he took a few slow paces, turning back only once before turning past a corner and out of sight.

  “What the hell was that?” Lachlan demanded while standing up from the table himself.

  I took another deep breath before turning to face him. “It’s a long story. Look, do you mind if we get out of here? I’m not much in the mood for shopping anymore. I’ll tell you about it on the ride back home.”

  When we got back in the car and pulled out of the parking lot, Lachlan looked over to me, waiting for an explanation of what had happened. I didn’t want to tell him, but I knew he wouldn’t just let it go, and I knew that I needed to let him know a little more about what was going on with me if I wanted to earn back his trust. I wasn’t quite sure where to start, but Lachlan piped up again before I decided.

  “Why were you like that with your father?”

  It was a short question with a long answer. “I know I seemed cold, but you need to understand my childhood. How you saw him today, that’s wasn’t what he was always like. In fact, that man having lunch with us was more of a stranger than my father.”

  “What do you mean? He seemed nice enough. Was he an alcoholic or something?” He waited patiently for my answer when he noticed how hard of a subject this was for me to talk about.

  It was difficult to find the right words, but I knew I needed to tell him. For both him and myself. I’d never been this open with someone, and the idea of letting someone into my past scared me a little. “No, not an alcoholic. See Henry and Jim, my alpha dad, split when I was really young. I guess they were in love at some point.” Thinking about my past stung a little and left a copper taste in my mouth.

  “Until they weren’t?” Lachlan’s voice sounded sincere.

  I nodded. “Henry didn’t stop loving Jim. At least, not for a while. It was Jim who decided he loved chasing any piece of tail he could get more than Henry or the sanctuary of their marriage. Jim left to who knows where chasing young omegas while I was left to live with Henry. Henry was heartbroken and withdrew into himself.”

  “Being abandoned by your husband who you still love would leave anybody heartbroken.”

  “Yeah,” I agreed. “Henry would spend entire days locked in his bedroom. I had to take care of myself while still only a child. It makes you grow up fast when you don’t have a childhood of your own. Even when he wasn’t in his bedroom and still somewhat there for me, he never really was. Weeks would go by without groceries in the house, bills went unpaid. We had to spend an entire summer in our house without air conditioning because he couldn’t make it out to pay the bill. And it wasn’t that he didn’t have money. Jim would send a check in the mail every week. He would go days without eating if I didn’t make him something. A father is supposed to take care of his child, not the other way around. It went on like that for years until I was old enough to move out on my own. We haven’t spoken much since.”

  “I’m sorry, Donovan. I didn’t realize,” Lachlan said.

  “I never told anyone.” I gave Lachlan a smile and he reached over and gave my hand a comforting squeeze.

  By the time I finished my story, I was just pulling onto Lachlan’s street. I put the car in park and stepped out to grab everything from the trunk. I followed Lachlan up the walkway and he held the door open for me. I put all the bags down near the closet by the front door and Lachlan closed it behind me.

  The thought of leaving crossed my mind. I wasn’t in the right headspace right now to be around anyone, but as soon as I turned around, Lachlan took a step in front of me. He held his arms out wide and offered a tentative hug. I stood there for a moment with my arms by my side. Then, all the emotions I had been feeling came crashing like a tidal wave as I burst out in tears. I took a step into his arms and wrapped my own around him.



  As Donovan buried his face into my chest, I pulled him tighter into my arms. I knew that it was a mistake to hold him, but right now he needed me as much as I needed him. Besides, it felt right holding him in my arms and I didn't think I’d be able to pull back if I wanted to.

  Suddenly, I felt his lips press against me as he started to kiss my shoulder. I ran one of my hands down his back and the other up his neck, gliding my fingers through his hair. I tried to convince myself it was a mistake, but I had to trick myself into thinking I could convince myself it was just going to be sex. A physical iteration between two consenting adults. That didn’t seem so bad.

  “Not here,” I said, breaking away from him. I took his hand and brought him to the bedroom.

  Holding Donovan by the hand, I led him to the edge of the bed and turned around to face him. I pulled him a step closer to me and glanced down at his jeans. His zipper was fighting to restrain his cock. His lips tugged up into a smile when he noticed where I was staring. He licked his lips and brought my hand down to the clasp.

  I hooked a finger in the waist of his jeans and took a step back, pulling Donovan along with me as I sat on the ledge of the bed. As he slid his hand along my arm, I unlatched the clasp and tugged down his pants and underwear. As soon as I did, his fully erect cock sprung up from his trimmed pubic hair.

  He rolled his head back and licked his lips when I gripped it with my hand and pressed it up against his stomach. He was even larger than I remembered. Even if I had gripped it with both hands, the head would still poke out.

  Pre-cum started to leak out of it now, and I pressed my thumb down on the sensitive head, collecting it before gliding my finger around it in a small circle. He let out a low moan from the back of his throat. I let my thumb slide down the head to the sensitive area where it met the shaft and slowly rocked it there.

  I wanted to toy with him a little longer, but when Donovan moved his hand to the back of my head, I couldn’t wait any longer to taste him. Tugging his cock up slightly, I leaned forward and took one of his balls into my mouth and sucked on it gently for a moment before spitting it out and giving the other one some attention.

  He squeezed my hair into his fist, and when he did, I stopped rolling my tongue around them and slid it up the base of his cock, flicking the head gently. He let out another sound from the back of his throat.

  No longer able to resist, I lapped up some of his salty pre-cum and took the head into my mouth, rolling my tongue around it.

  Donovan inhaled sharply and let out a throaty moan. “Stop.”

  I let his cock slide out of my mouth. Fuck, I hoped he didn’t want to stop. I looked up at him and raised my eyebrows.

  “I don’t want to cum yet. I want to fuck you.”

  Good. The corners of my lips pulled up into a smile as I bit down on my lower lip. “Oh, yeah?” I laid back on the bed and rested my head against the palm of my hand. The other ran down the inside of my leg, teasing him. “No one’s stopping you.”

  Donovan licked his lips and took his pants the rest of the way off before kneeling in between my legs. I reached down and unclasped the buckle on my pants to help him as he tugged them off. He leaned over top of me, being careful not to put too much weight on my baby bump, and took both of our cocks in his hand.

  The friction of mine pressed against his as he leaned forward to kiss me was almost enough to send me over the edge. When our lips met, I bucked my hips up towards him, letting our cocks slide against his firm grip.

  I could
feel my orgasm building up quickly, but it was when his tongue slipped into my mouth that I couldn’t hold it back anymore. “Fuck,” I groaned, as I shot thick ribbons of cum on my stomach.

  I wanted more. No, I needed more. “Take me, now,” I purred into his ear when I pulled away from our kiss.

  Donovan leaned back up and reached over to the night stand and grabbed the bottle of lube from the drawer. He squeezed a dollop onto the head of his cock and spread it around with his thumb before tossing the bottle to the ground.

  Then, with his cock gripped in his hand, he lowered it and pressed it against my already wet hole. With the combination of the lube, his head slid in easily. Slowly, he pressed his weight into me until I had taken him all in.

  I let out a moan as he filled me. Still taking his time, he rocked his hips against me, building up his momentum with each thrust. Already, I could feel my orgasm building. “Don’t stop,” I growled, squeezing the blankets into my fists and pulling myself down to meet his thrusts.

  I could feel my asshole start to pulse and grip against his cock, and my eyes rolled into the back of my head. “Fuck, I’m cumming,” I shouted as his weight continued to slam against me. My body started to shake and my legs began to go numb as I squeezed my eyes shut and rode the wave of pleasure.

  Just then, Donovan groaned hard and slammed against me one last time, shooting his cum into me and sending me into another wave of pleasure even more intense than the last. As my orgasm ended, he collapsed next to me on the bed.

  For the next few minutes, we just lay next to each other, trying to catch our breath. Donovan cradled me in his arms. I liked being there. But I was confused as to what it meant. Donovan and I just had sex. Big deal, we were adults and adults had needs. But lying next to him as he held me, it felt like it was more than just sex. I was exhausted by the end and wanted to shut my eyes, but I didn’t. I didn’t want to take the chance of falling asleep, only to wake up in bed alone again.